There are MANY Social Media websites out there……..

How many do you belong to?
Have you ever checked the privacy settings?
Here are THREE things to consider when joining or posting to these sites.
1. Be aware of what you are posting as status updates. Do you really wnt the entire world to know when you are and are not at home?
2. Be sure to check the privacy settings for the “Places I check into” feature. This is a great concept because it allows you to see if your friends are near when you are out and about; however, this also tells people you are not at home. The most overlooked privacy setting on Facebook allows who can view your information. If the setting is set to “everybody” or “friends of friends,” there may be people viewing your information that you don’t want to.
3. Posting photos. Be aware of what is behind you in the photos. This too can reveal things you don’t want the public to see or give away where you are. Although it’s great your friends and family can see and comment on photos of yourself, family, children, friends, etc, this may not be information you want everybody to see.
Again, Social Media networking is great for not only personal information, but also for business. Just be aware of what information you are putting out onto the web and who you are allowing to view it.