Usually the first step to finding your new home is to decide whether you want to live in Pasco, Richland, Kennewick or a surrounding area of the Tri Cities. If you want to get more from the resale in the future you should look into the neighborhood info and surrounding schools. Living in an area with good schools, those that have high teacher to student ratios and high graduation rates, even if you don’t have children in school could give you an advantage when it comes time to sell. Also check into the housing market for that area, if the homes are selling close or above asking price it shows the neighborhood is a desirable one. If you are able try to buy in the colder months of the year when real estate slows down. Sellers may be more willing to negotiate during this time and you might have less competition.
As you search for homes on the internet, don’t overly restrict your search criteria. It is always best to search for homes that are 10% above and 10% below your price range and add a 10 mile cushion to your specified location. When you find homes you are interested in, either save it, print it, or add it to your favorites. Write down the MLS # and take the information to your agent. Also let your agent know your preferences as sometimes they may find houses you overlooked or were just listed.
When the time comes to actually start looking at houses, bring along a notebook and camera to help you remember details of that particular house. After all when you look at a bunch in one day, they can tend to blur together and by having a description or photos on hand, you can refresh your memory and allow you to revisit the pros and cons of each home.
Distinctive Properties, Inc.