Hey! If there weren’t already so many wonderful reasons to live here – the latest ACCRA Index points at the Tri-Cities, Kennewick, Pasco and Richland, as the state’s top place to live because of the lowest cost of living!
The report focuses on price levels of housing, groceries, utilities, health care and transporation costs to develop its data index. All these items make it easier for employers to recruit potential employees to live and work in our spectacular region.
Real estate prices are up to half the cost of many large metropolitan areas where employees are being drawn from, which of course makes the decision much easier for them to see the benefit of living in the Tri-Cities.
If you are in the market for a home in the Tri City area, please take a look at our website, www.distinctiveprop.com and you can preview all of the homes listed in the MLS. We’ll be happy to you assist you in your home search.