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8022 W. Grandridge Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99336Local: (509) 783-1431
Author Archives: Debbie Prosser
What does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover?
What does your homeowners insurance cover? The short answer is: A basic homeowners insurance policy (called HO-1 in insurance lingo) covers your home and possessions if they’re damaged or destroyed by these things: Fire Lightning Windstorm (unless you live in … Continue reading
Posted in Real Estate News
Tagged appliances, bills, building, cement, code, computer, damage, electrical, expenses, flooding, floods, home, homeowner, homeowners, homes, Hotel, house, hurricane, insurance, maintain, mold, plumbing, policies, policy, rent, repair, repairs, replace, roof, Snow, storm, wildfires
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Protect your Home from Wildfires
How do most homes ignite during a wildfire? A floating ember or piece of burning wood touches down on a roof, gutter, in a vent, under a deck, or on a porch and ignites leaves and debris, says the National … Continue reading
Posted in Home Owner Tips
Tagged branches, chemical, chimney, chimneys, deck, fire prevention, gutter, home, homes, house, improvement, invest, lawn, outside, plants, plywood, properties, protect your home, repair, replace, roof, safe, shrubs, siding, trees, vents, water, wildfires, yard
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Why is my Grass Turning Brown?
Grass turns brown when roots can no longer grab nutrients or water from soil, or when soil doesn’t contain enough food or water. Here are the typical culprits, and tips on how you can green up your grass again. Drought/Heat … Continue reading
Posted in Home Owner Tips
Tagged brown grass, bugs, chemical, cinch bugs, damage, grass, green, green lawn, grubs, healthy, heat, heat wave, home ownership, lawn, lawn care, look, maintenance, mow, mowing, prevent, Summer, water, weather, weeds
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Wind Resistant Trees
Don’t spend your time during a storm side-eyeing the towering elm beside your driveway, worried it might fall. These five arborist-approved trees stand sturdy through the strongest winds and drenching rains — and give your curb appeal extra oomph. Tulip … Continue reading
Posted in Home Owner Tips
Tagged backyard, Bald Cypress, branches, curb appeal, driveway, Eastern Redbud, home, homeowner, homeowners, hurricane, leaf, NAR, Oak Trees, property, River Birch, trees, trim, Tulip Tree, washington, weather
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The History of the NAR
The National Association of REALTORS® was founded as the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges on May 12, 1908 in Chicago. With 120 founding members, 19 Boards, and one state association, the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges’ objective was … Continue reading
Posted in Real Estate News
Tagged agent, builders, history, home, NAR, national association of realtors, professional, real estate, real estate broker, realtor
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Curb Appeal Choices w/ Staying Power
Improving your home’s curb appeal brings immediate satisfaction. Plus, the financial benefits can be fabulous, too. Good curb appeal increases your home’s value, making your property easier to sell — and easier to love. The challenge? Spending too much limits your ROI (return on … Continue reading
Posted in Real Estate News
Tagged architecture, building, color, concrete, curb appeal, deck, doors, durability, efficient, exterior, floors, garage, granite, home, homeowner, homeowners, house, houselogic, investment, landscape, lawn, lighting, maintain, maintenance, makeovers, mowing, national association of realtors, native plants, paint, patio, property, quality, realtor, remodel, remodeling, repair, return on investment, ROI, roof, Sale, selling, selling point, style, trees, trim, trimming, windows
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