Drought-Tolerant Plants & Creative Tips for a Less-Thirsty Yard

No-water and low-water ideas for a drought-friendly yard.

Image: constantgardener/Getty

Drought happens everywhere, not just in arid climates. So, how do you get to have a beautiful, lush, low-maintenance yard that doesn’t need watering when the temps approach triple digits with no rain in sight? 

Take a cue from homeowners in those arid climates. They know how to survive heat waves. And they’re experts on drought-resistant plants. You’d be surprised how well some of those low-water plants work in less dry conditions. Here’s how to have a yard you need to water less.

Plant Hardy, Drought-Tolerant Plants

Cacti and succulents — the camels of the plant world — are synonymous with Southwest gardening but turn out to be pretty hardy elsewhere as well. They can add color, flowers, and texture to lawns, while being super drought-friendly.

People waste water; plants do not.

Barry Troutman, owner of Turf and Ornamental Technology

“You don’t want them to have wet feet, though,” says Barry Troutman, owner of Turf and Ornamental Technology in Deland, Fla. “They need to be well drained, in open sun with air movement around them.”

He suggests using cholla cacti, which are hardy enough to grow even in Canada and succulents such as hens and chicks and Parry’s agave.

Seek Native Plants

In the West and Southwest, despite the lack of natural water, yards are still full of color and texture. “There’s a lot of beauty and movement,” says Neil Bales, president and CEO at LandPatterns in Dallas.

Each region has its own native or “adapted plants,” as Troutman prefers to call them. 

“People waste water; plants do not,” he points out. “Plants are adapted to protect the water they have.”

Native plants thrive because they are used to the natural state of the region. “You can see these things growing in the wild on their own,” Bales says. “So, if you introduce them into your own landscape, they will be more durable.” 

A note on newly planted plants: This is when you don’t want to skimp on watering. New plants need more water to help establish strong roots. Those roots will help them acclimate to less and less water as they mature, Troutman says.

Add Some Hardscaping

Image: chuckcollier/Getty

OK, running barefoot on the lawn is nice, but what about the romantic evening around the fire pit, eating with family and friends in the outdoor kitchen, or soaking up rays on a patio lounge chair?

“In a lot of areas in Texas, lawn sizes are getting reduced and patios are increasing,” Bales says.

More hardscapes — stone walls, gravel paths, paved patios — mean less area that needs to be watered.

And (bonus!), according to the “Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features” from the National Association of REALTORS®, which produces HouseLogic, new patios, outdoor fireplace, and fire pits are among the top-10 projects for appealing to home buyers and adding value for resale.

On average, expect to pay between $1,500 to $20,000 (or a national average of $3,000) for an outdoor fireplace, according Bob Vila’s website.

But make sure hardscape areas drain into the right places, says Troutman. “Be careful you don’t create saturated areas where plants can’t grow.”

You may have to call in a professional to make sure hardscape and the adjacent landscape have proper drainage, either by the way the land is sloped or by installing drains in the ground, Bales says.

Many horticulturists recommend limiting and taking special care with hardscape. Water that runs off of hardscape carries oils and toxins into the water supply, so permeable materials are a good choice. They advise using lighter material colors that will reduce heat absorption and radiation. In addition, they caution about possible harm to tree roots, which are usually in the top foot of soil. When a homeowners adds a walkway or other hardscape feature and heavy equipment is used, the process can compact soil and cut roots, making the tree vulnerable to storm damage.

Try the Newest Generation of Fake Grass

Image: CBCK-Christine/Getty

“It’s come a long way in how it looks,” says Bales, who has real grass in his front yard and turf in his backyard. “Many brands look and feel like natural grass.”

Bales recommends researching turf products that “hold up well, look good over time, and have a good feel on your bare feet.” Then find a contractor who knows how to install synthetic turf properly.

“What’s underneath it matters,” he says. There needs to be a deep sub-base that’ll last like a concrete patio but allow natural water through.

Troutman cautions that synthetic turf and pavers, if in direct sunlight, can get “really hot and reflect the heat onto your home. It can raise the cost of your air conditioning bill.” He suggests mitigating the heat by creating shaded areas with trees or a pergola.

Replace Plants With (Surprise!) a Water Feature

Image: Elmar Langle/Getty

While that may seem counterintuitive, it makes sense when you think about it. Especially when you consider the newest generation of water features: the pondless water feature.

It’s essentially a waterfall with “a below-ground reservoir covered by rock or stone. The water circulates . . . so it isn’t evaporating, ” says Bales.

If you want to stay completely away from water, Bales also suggests getting a water feature look without the water by designing “a dry creek bed with stones that can provide an aesthetic look and be functional in spots where there might otherwise be plants, and the need to irrigate.”

Between the drought-tolerant plants and the hardscaping, you may hardly ever water again.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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35 Money-Saving Household Habits

Adopt a few of these home tips to find a bit more cash each month.

Clean lights to help homeowner save money with ceiling rose
Image: Anderson The Fish

Your house gives you so much: security, pride, shelter. With all that on the line, it’s easy to assume the costs of keeping it up just are what they are. But wait. There are plenty of expenses that are simply a waste.

Here’s how to save money each month without putting a dime of home value at risk.

#1 Clean Your Lightbulbs

What? Who does that? Well, smart people (those who know shrewd, easy ways to save money). A dirty bulb emits 30% less light than a clean one. Dust off both the bulb and fixture, and you might be able to cut back on the number or brightness of lights in each room without noticing any difference.

#2 Keep Your Fridge Full

Solid items snuggled together retain the cold better than air and help keep one another cold — requiring less energy overall. Leaving town for awhile and fridge is empty? Fill voids in the fridge or freezer with water bottles.

#3 Switch Your Bulbs to LEDs

The average light-emitting diode, LED, light bulb used five hours a day can save $10 to $20 in energy costs vs. an incandescent bulb. If you replace just five of your most-used incandescent bulbs, your savings will add up.

And LEDs last 15 to 20 times longer than incandescents, so you won’t have to replace them nearly as often.https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/17234180/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/000000/

#4 Use Power Strips

Here’s how to save money — a lot of it — on bills. Appliances like coffee makers, TVs, and computers continue to suck power even when they’re off, which can add 10% to your monthly utility bill and increase the average household’s annual electric bill by $100 to $200. And did you know the AC adapter for your laptop keeps drawing power even if the laptop isn’t plugged in? Stop this slow money burn by connecting them to an easy-to-switch-off power strip.

#5 Use a Toaster Oven When Possible

Toaster ovens use 50% to 70% less energy than a full-size oven.

#6 Set Your Water Heater to 120 Degrees

Hot water heaters often come with a factory setting that’s higher than you need. You’ll cool your water heating costs by 3% to 5% every time you lower the temperature setting by 10 degrees.

#7 Insulate Your Water Heater

For about $30, an insulating jacket or blanket can shave 7% to 16% off your water heating costs for the year. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions to avoid creating a fire hazard.

#8 Wash Clothes in Cold Water

Image: Anna Rodé Designs

Just switching from hot to warm water will cut every load’s energy use in half, and you’ll reap even more savings taking the temp down to cold. And don’t worry: Your clothes will get just as clean from cold water, thanks to the efficiency of today’s detergents (except in the case of sickness, when you’ll want hot water and bleach).

#9 Use the Right Dryer Cycle

If you’re using a high heat setting for each load, you could be using more energy than you need. Almost all fabrics can be dried with a lower heat setting, such as the permanent press setting. It uses less energy and has the bonus of extending the life of your fabrics. Save the higher heat for items such as sheets and towels.

#10 Use Homemade Cleaners

Many commercial products rely on baking soda or vinegar for their cleaning power, so why not make your own? Odds are, you likely have a lot of the ingredients sitting in your cabinets or pantry right now.

#11 Cut Back on Laundry Detergent

Never mind the barely visible measurement lines in the cap: You typically need only a tablespoon of detergent. And, clothes actually get cleaner when you use less, because there’s no soap residue left behind.

#12 Ditch Disposable Sweeper and Mop Head

Stop throwing money away every time you clean! Refill your Swiffer Sweeper with microfiber cloths. Just cut to size and use them dry for dusting or with a little water and floor cleaner for mopping. Or switch to a microfiber mop with a washable head.

#13 Stop Buying Dryer Sheets

Another easy swap? Give up your dryer-sheet habit (about $7 for 240 loads) in favor of wool dryer balls (about $6.50 for four, which can last for up to 1,000 loads each). Of course, depending on your laundry preferences, you can always just go without either.

#14 Cut Scouring Pads in Half

Most clean-ups don’t require a full one.

#15 Don’t Rinse Dishes

Dishwasher full of dishes
Image: Cavan Images/Offset

Two minutes of rinsing with the faucet on full-power will consume 5 gallons of water — the same amount efficient dishwashers use during an entire cycle. Shocking, right? And it’s an unnecessary step, since most newer models are equipped to remove even stubborn food debris. Just be sure to clean the dishwasher trap regularly to keep your dishwasher running efficiently.

#16 Keep a Pitcher of Water in the Fridge

You won’t have to waste time and money running the faucet, waiting for it to get cold enough for a refreshing sip.

#17 Set a Timer for the Shower

The average American takes an eight-minute shower and uses about 17 gallons of water. It’s easy to linger, so set a timer for five minutes. Or try this more entertaining idea: Time your shower to a song or podcast segment.

#18 Install Low-Flow Fixtures

By installing a just one low-flow showerhead, the average US household can save about 2,900 gallons of water every year and decrease home water consumption by 40% or more.

#19 Replace Your Old Water-Hogging Toilet

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that by replacing old, inefficient toilets with WaterSense-labeled models, the average family can reduce water used for toilets by 20% to 60% — nearly 13,000 gallons of water savings per year. (WaterSense-labeled toilets are independently certified to meet criteria for both performance and efficiency, according to the EPA.) They could also save more than $140 per year in water costs.

#20 Close Closet Doors

Each closet and pantry may hold a paltry amount of square footage, but you’re still heating and cooling it. Add up all the storage space, and you’ve got the equivalent of a small room. Shut the doors to keep the conditioned air out.

#21 Program the Thermostat

You can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7 degrees to 10 degrees Fahrenheit from its normal setting for eight hours a day. You can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to around 68 degrees while you’re awake and setting it lower while you’re asleep.

#22 Don’t Crank the Thermostat Up or Down Too Far

A common misconception is that a furnace works harder than normal to warm a space back to a comfortable temperature after the thermostat has been set back, resulting in little or no savings, says Energy.gov. In fact, as soon as your house drops below its normal temperature, it will lose energy to the surrounding environment more slowly Avoid setting your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. It won’t cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and unnecessary expense.

#23 Use Fans Year-Round

Image: Iaobzjls/Getty

Ceiling fans can reduce your summer cooling costs and even reduce winter heating bills — but only if used correctly. Flip the switch on the base to make the blades rotate counterclockwise for a cooling effect or clockwise to help distribute heat in the winter. And in the warmer months, an attic or whole-house fan can suck hot air out and help distribute cooler air so you can give the AC a little break.

#24 Caulk or Weatherstrip Around Doors and Windows

Caulk may not have the charisma of something like solar panels, but using it to seal air leaks around doors and windows will deliver immediate savings rather than a 14-year payback. You’ll spend $3 to $30 and save 10% to 20% on energy bills.

For gaps between moving parts that can’t be caulked, add weatherstripping.

#25 Add Insulation

By sealing air leaks and installing the right insulation in places like attics, crawl spaces, and basements, homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling — 11% on total energy costs, according to the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program. For the typical homeowner, this translates to about $200 pocketed year after year.

#26 Plant Shade Trees

Shade tree behind home with bench
Image: Liz Foreman for HouseLogic

Block the summer sun to lower cooling costs. Planting one shade tree on the west side and one on the east side of your home can shield your home from the sun during the summer months (but avoid south-side trees, which block winter sun). Carefully positioned trees can save up to 25% of the energy a typical household uses, according to Energy.gov. Plus, healthy, mature trees add an average 10% to a property’s value, says the Arbor Day Foundation.

#27 Use Curtains as Insulation

Another way to practice energy-saving passive heating and cooling? Open curtains on sunny windows in the winter and close them up in the summer.

#28 Cool with a Cross Breeze

On a breezy day, open a window on the side of your house that’s receiving the breeze, then open another on the opposite side of the house. Make sure the window on the receiving side is open a little less than the exhaust side to accelerate the breeze. You can also use a fan if there’s no breeze outside.

#29 Check Your Mortgage PMI

You’ll generally pay between $40 and $80 per month for every $100,000 borrowed, according to Freddie Mac. Keep in mind this amount can vary based on your credit score and your loan-to-value ratio — the amount you borrowed on your mortgage compared to the home’s value.

Once your loan-to-value ratio falls below 80% of the home’s original appraised value, you can request that PMI be canceled. If the value of your home appreciates before then, you might be able to cancel sooner.

#30 Check Your Home Insurance for Savings

Your homeowners insurance should change as your life changes. Installing home security devices — including smoke detectors, burglar and fire alarm systems or dead-bolt locks — could reduce your premiums, says the Insurance Information Institute.

Bundling your home and auto coverage could also save money on both policies. To be sure you’re getting the best price, check that any combined price from one insurer is lower than buying the coverage separately from different companies, according to the III.

Surveys have found you could be paying more than what another insurer would charge for the same coverage. So you could save by going with a new company or by using their quote to bargain with your current provider.

#31 Borrow Tools Instead of Buying

How often are you going to use that $600 demolition hammer once you remove your bathroom tile? Not so much? Rent it from a home-improvement store for a fraction of the cost. Be sure to do the math for each tool and project, though; sometimes the rental price is high enough to justify buying it.

Or join a tool lending library or cooperative to borrow tools for free or much less than retail stores.

#32 Cut Back on Paper Towels

Two rolls of paper towels a week add up to about $182 every year! Instead, try machine-washable cotton shop towels. They clean up messes just as fast and cost less than $2 for five. Save paper towels for messes that need to go straight into the trash, like oil and grease.

#33 Stop Buying Plants for Curb Appeal Every Year

Front yard garden bed filled with perennial flowers
Image: Marna McGlinn of Marna McGlinn Ceramics

A pop of color in your landscaping perks up your curb appeal. But instead of wasting household funds on short-lived annuals, invest in perennials that will keep giving for years to come.

#34 Water Grass in the Morning to Save on Your Water Bill

Turning the sprinkler on at midday is kinda like watering the air — especially when the mercury soars. Lose less to evaporation by watering during cooler hours (but avoid overnight watering, when too-slow evaporation can invite fungus growth).

#35 Make Your Yard Drought-Tolerant

Swapping out 100 square feet of lawn with low water plants can save a homeowner 1,000 gallons of water the first year. After three years, savings can increase because plants have established root systems and need even less water.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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4 Must-Haves for the Easiest-to-Clean Bathroom, Ever

A toilet that’s missing those annoying, nasty grooves? Sign us up.

A stark, white tile bathroom with a tub and window
Image: Rowena Naylor/Stocksy United

No matter if you keep your home sealed tight, leave the windows open, have a steady stream of visitors stopping by, or prefer to be alone, dirt (and, worse, microbes!) will worm their way into your pad.

And bathrooms are the worst for collecting the yuckiest of grime and germs. Check out these upgrades that’ll give you a fighting chance against germs, dirt, and bacteria while doing a whole-lot-less cleaning. Game. On.

#1 Materials That Use Little or No Grout

Who says a bathroom has to have tile? Dirt and grime love to cling to the gritty grout between tiles. To banish it from your bathroom for good, try glass or waterproofed real-stone veneer. They come in large sheets — hardly any grout needed. Maybe some at the joints, but that’s better than the entire wall and floor.

If you want to go completely groutless, there’s an ancient Moroccan technique called tadelakt that uses lime-based plaster, which is waterproof, resists mold and mildew, and, best of all, is sealed with a soap solution to keep grime away. It’s worked for centuries, so it should work in your bath, too. It’s pricey, though, because it requires trained artisans to apply.

Orange tadelakt in a bathroom shower
Image: House+Earth, LLC; Austin, TX

An affordable alternative, suggests Stephanie Horowitz, managing director of ZeroEnergy Design in Boston, is to opt for large tiles with narrower grout lines. “It’s a fresh, modern look that requires minimal upkeep,” she says.

#2 No-Touch Faucets

Touchless faucet in a bathroom
Image: Small Bathroom Design Ideas by A Mom’s Take blog

Sensor-operated faucets aren’t just for crowded airport and mall restrooms. They’re growing in popularity in homes, too. If germs are your No. 1 enemy, a sensor faucet is a good choice because without touch, it’s tough for germs to find a foothold.

Some models also light up when you approach the sink — a cool, futuristic bonus for when you’re stumbling around in the middle of the night.

But because sensor faucets require a battery or electrical connection, users have complained that they break down more. Funny thing, though. Many say they would buy it again because they love the touchless feature.

Just don’t expect them to save you water. The last official study by the Alliance for Water Efficiency (in 2009) found they actually used more water.

#3 No-Groove Toilets

One-piece toilet in a home's bathroom
Image: DXV

If you’ve ever transformed into a contortionist while reaching to clean every last yucky crevice in your toilet, the one-piece model was made for you. Because traditional two-piece toilets have a separate bowl and tank, they have lots of tiny crevices that are hard to really get clean.

You may spend a bit more for a one-piece model, which is molded from a single piece of porcelain, but the amount of scrubbing time you save may make it worthwhile. Plus, you don’t have to get up close and personal with the nasty parts.

Today’s pressure-assisted toilets not only reduce cleaning time, but virtually eliminate backups, thanks to a forceful jet of water that scrubs the entire bowl and removes everything in its path. On this one, you’ll actually save water. Because of their eco-smart designs, these high-efficiency toilets can save a family of four up to 16,500 gallons of water annually.https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/17234132/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/000000/

#4 A (Good!) Exhaust Fan

Bathroom exhaust fan in a shower
Image: Broan

This is probably the least-sexy upgrade, but did you know it’s the No. 1 feature buyers want in a bathroom? That’s probably because it’s so effective at fighting bad micro-organisms.

Not only does a good exhaust fan fight mold, mildew, and other nasty micro-organisms, it protects your walls, paint, and trim. If left unchecked, excess moisture can cause your wallboard, paint, and trim to deteriorate. So spending a few hundred dollars on a fan and pro install could save you thousands down the road.

That’s a low-cost, no-brainer upgrade. Even if you already have an exhaust fan, take a look at the newer ones. Today’s models are much more efficient than the old buzz saw you might currently own. They’re quieter, more powerful, and use less energy.

If you forget to turn it on before you step into the shower, some models even come with a humidity-sensing feature that automatically turns the fan on when humidity is detected, then shuts off when the air is clear.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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14 Packing Hacks From the Pros That Make Moving Less Awful

Moving. Is. Exhausting. But you can make it as seamless as possible with these pro tips.

Moving items into a truck on moving day
Image: Liz Foreman for HouseLogic

New house: YAAAAY! Moving out of the old one: BOOOOO. Packing up, moving, and then unpacking an entire house is the worst.

Moving may never be a great time, but it is possible to cut down on the aggravation, effort, and anxiety and get back to the excitement of your new home.

We combed the internet and asked two professional organizers — Maria White, founder of the website “Enuff with the Stuff,” and Donna Smallin Kuper, author of “How to Declutter and Make Money Now” — to give up their secrets.

#1 Do a Pre-Pack Photo Shoot

Among the most mind-numbing hours of unpacking is trying to remember where all those cords behind the TV went and how you had that bookshelf so tidily arranged.

Save your fatigued short-term memory the grief by taking some pre-packing photos (of everything) so you’ll know exactly where it all goes when it’s time to empty those moving boxes. With photos in hand, you’ll be able to recreate it all in record time.

#2 Follow the $20 in 20 Minutes Rule

You know you have too much stuff. But when packing, who has the energy to make purging decisions? 

Smallin Kuper, who’s moved 11 times herself, warns that hauling along things you don’t love or need is the bigger waste. And the toss-or-keep decision can be easy when you apply Kuper’s formula: $20 in 20 minutes. “For smaller items, ask yourself if you were to need it again in the future, could you find it for under $20 in under 20 minutes. If yes, let it go.”

#3 Corral Cords With Toilet Paper Rolls

Once you’ve moved, you need extension cords. You know you have them, but where are they? And especially that heavy duty one you need for the drill so you can finally hang your pictures. Except where is it?!?!

Organize power cords when moving by using toilet paper rolls
Image: Libby Walker for HouseLogic

One way to cut down on the jumbled mess of extension cords is to wind each cord up in a 6-inch coil, and insert each into its own toilet paper roll. You’ll have lots more room in the box, and no tangled mess to unpack later. Just remember to clearly label the box!

#4 Create a “Moving Toolbox”

Moving day can easily turn into moving week when you spend as much time looking for the packing tape and Sharpie as you do filling the boxes. 

Pack more efficiently with a “moving toolbox” where you keep your box cutter, tape, labeling markers, and other packing supplies in one carry-all that you can take from room to room. It’s easy to misplace small and essential items like these when your house is full of boxes and in disarray.

For smaller items, ask yourself if you were to need it again in the future, could you find it for under $20 in under 20 minutes. If yes, let it go.

Donna Smallin Kuper, moving expert

#5 Tape Appliance Cords to Their Homes

You could be scoping out the new neighborhood, but, instead, you’re running from appliance to appliance desperately trying to match them with the right power cord. 

Skip the electronic guessing games by taping the plug right to the appliance to which it belongs. And go check out that taqueria on the corner with your reclaimed time.

#6 Use Your Towels, Blankets as Packing Materials

Another way moving day gets frustratingly extended? Your third trip to the store to buy more bubble wrap.

Kudos on treating your breakables with care, but Smallin Kuper says you don’t need the store-bought stuff. Pot holders, oven mitts, and even those old paper and plastic grocery bags you were planning to recycle make great packing materials. Also consider towels, pillows, blankets, the kids’ stuffed animals — whatever’s soft!

#7 Color-Code Boxes

If you’re paying movers, really get your money’s worth by making it easy for them to deposit every box in the right room.

Color-coded moving boxes
Image: Hip2Save.com

Assign a color to each room, then mark that color on the outside of each box. Before movers arrive, add the correct color label to each room’s door. They’ll love the simplicity, and you’ll love not having to haul everything that was supposed to go in the office out of the playroom.

#8 Keep Your Clothes in Their Drawers

Another way to cut down on boxes and the awful chore of unpacking: Don’t pack the clothes in your drawers. They’re already in a box!

Simply wrap the whole drawer in plastic wrap, and your drawer becomes the box. The same trick can work for hanging shoe racks, utensil organizers, and other container-type items.

#9 Use Garbage Bags to Move Clothes on Hangers

You’ve got hangers in one box, clothes in another, and it’ll take hours pairing them all back up again in your new closet.

Nope. Get all that time back by clustering groups of clothing together, then pulling plastic garbage bags up from the bottom and tying them at the top — twist ties work great for this. Layer these clusters together for the move and hang up as soon as you arrive.

#10 Give Liquids a Plastic Wrap

You spent all that time packing up your cleaning supplies box just to have the window cleaner spill during the move, destroying the box, soaking clothes in the neighboring one, and causing a huge mess in the middle of an already stressful day.

To prevent spills mid-move, uncap all household liquids — everything from toiletries to cleaning supplies — then cover the top with clear plastic wrap, and tightly reseal the cap.

#11 Cut Handles in Boxes

“This one isn’t heavy, it’s just awkward” is a phrase you’ll be tired of hearing by the time you’re settled into your new home.

Handle cut into a box for moving
Image: Liz Foreman for HouseLogic

Cut out the awkwardness (literally) with a box cutter. Cut holes into the sides of cardboard boxes to create handles that’ll simplify lifting and carrying. Be sure not to make holes too close to the top, or on too-heavy boxes, or they could rip.

#12 Pack Boxes in Layers

No one in your family besides you knows the difference between a baking tool and a cooking tool, but that doesn’t mean unpacking the kitchen must fall to you.

“When packing the contents of desk or kitchen drawers, pack the box in layers of items from one drawer at a time,” says White. Put a piece of cardboard or other packing material between each layer to keep things from each drawer separate and ready to unpack.

#13 Keep Little Parts Together

Good luck going into Ikea and asking for all the parts to reassemble a bookshelf they discontinued three years ago. You know you’ll just end up walking out with a new one.

Storing all the hardware — including the specialty Allen keys required to work them — in sandwich bags and tape them directly to the item.

#14 Use Your Rolling Luggage as Boxes

Woe to the person who gets stuck carrying the boxes of books — or to you if your movers charge for extra heavy items.

Save your back or your wallet by repurposing rolling luggage to move heavy, sturdy items. And (bonus!) you won’t have to worry about packing the luggage itself.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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7 Home Improvement Ideas That Stretch Your Dollars the Most

Enjoy your home more today — and sell it for the best price tomorrow.

Built-in floor to ceiling bookshelves with grey couch and glass coffee table
Image: Susan Yeley Interiors/Gina Rogers Photography

When it comes to home improvement ideas, some are more financially savvy than others. And if you’re on a limited budget, it becomes even more important to be savvy. 

Here are seven affordable home improvement projects that’ll help you enjoy your home more today and provide excellent financial return in the future.

#1 Add the Finishing Touch of Molding

Decorative molding in a home
Image: Crazy Wonderful

Crown molding makes rooms seem both bigger taller. It’s an elegant addition to any home.

Plus, wood moldings come in hundreds of options — from simple to ornate — that you can stain, paint, or leave natural.

You can also find moldings in flexible materials, such as foam, that make installation a whole lot easier. Some moldings even include lighting that casts a soft, ambient glow.  

And at $1.50 per foot if you DIY it, or $8 per foot if you hire, it’s a no-brainer in terms of personalizing your home while adding value. (Although we don’t recommend DIY unless you’ve got above-par mitering skills.)

A few tips about molding:

Be careful about proportions. If your ceiling height is 9 feet or less, go with simpler styles to avoid overwhelming the room.

Place a chair railing at one-third the distance of the ceiling height. Chair railing placed incorrectly can make a room seem out of proportion.

Don’t forget entryways, doors, and windows: Bump up the trim around these areas to give rooms a completed and expensive feel.https://www.youtube.com/embed/LhpuVZYUE0M?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1HouseLogic

#2 Hang Quality Ceiling Fans

If your ceiling fans are old and outdated, new ones (coupled with a fresh paint job and crown molding) could give your rooms a refreshing update while saving money.

Some tips about ceiling fans:

  • Hang 7 to 8 feet above the floor.
  • If you’ve got a low ceiling, buy a hugger ceiling fan that’s flush-mounted.
  • Go for the biggest Energy Star-rated fan that will fit the space.
  • Choose quality. You’ll get better cooling results, less noise, and good looks at a digestible price point of $200 to $600.

#3 Plant Some Trees

Apple tree outside of a house next to a patio
Image: M. Williams

Say what? Adding trees doesn’t instantly pop into your head when you think of adding value to your home. But trees are moneymakers that get better with age.

A mature tree could be worth between $1,000 to $10,000, says the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. A 16-inch silver maple could be worth $2,562, according to a formula worked out by the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.

In urban areas, money really does grow on trees. A recent study of home sales by the Pacific Northwest Research Station of Portland showed that street trees growing in front of or near a house boosted its sale price by an average of $8,870 and shaved two days off its time on the market. 

There’s more. Trees also:

  • Save $100 to $250 annually in energy costs
  • Lower stress
  • Prevent erosion from downpours and roof runoff
  • Protect your home from wind, rain, and sun

#4 Install a Deck or Patio

Back yard patio in the dusk
Image: Suzanne Davis at bebehblog

But don’t go crazy and trick out your outdoor space with high-end amenities, like an outdoor kitchen — especially if you’d be the only one on the block with one. When it’s time to sell, you won’t get back much — if any — of your investment on outdoor kitchens and other high-end amenities. Instead, keep it simple and functional to see a return on investment. 

A professionally installed deck costs about $10,000 to install, but if you DIY it, you’ll save more than half that while adding to your equity.

Don’t skimp on deck lighting. It can make all the difference in functionality and beautification.

#5 Upgrade Your Insulation

It’s not as sexy as a kitchen remodel, but it doesn’t cost as much either ($65,000 vs $2,100).

Plus, you’ll save all year long on your utility bills. Win-win!

#6 Add Some Creative Storage

We don’t have to sell you on the value of storage and built-in organization. Since when have you heard someone complain about too much storage? Never, we bet. 

Adding storage is a no-brainer, but it does take a little brainpower to find your home’s hidden storage. 

Here are a few ways to think outside of the toy box:

  • Open drywall to create storage cubbies between your wall’s studs.
  • Install platform storage that hangs from your garage ceiling.
  • Even stairs can give you more storage. One clever mom repurposed an old chest of drawers and created storage within a basement staircase.

#7 Install Landscape Lighting

Exterior lighting makes your home shine in the evening, accents features you like most about your house, and helps keep burglars away. Installing motion-detecting lights can even lower some homeowners’ insurance premiums. 

Landscaping lighting tips:

  • Place accent lights under your favorite trees to show off your landscaping’s top earners.
  • Put them on a timer so you don’t waste energy running them during the day.
  • Choose a warm, white light. It’ll make your home look and feel welcoming.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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7 Smart Strategies for Bathroom Remodeling

Here’s how to get the bathroom of your dreams without making your budget a nightmare.

Strategy For Bathroom Remodeling
Image: KraftMaid

You dream about a bathroom that’s high on comfort and personal style, but you also want materials, fixtures, and amenities with lasting value. Wake up! You can have both.

A midrange bathroom remodel is a solid investment, according to the “Remodeling Impact Report” from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. A bath remodel with a national median cost of $30,000 will recover about 50% of those costs when it’s time to sell your home.

Regardless of payback potential, you’ll probably be glad you went ahead and updated your bathroom. Homeowners polled for the report gave their bathroom renovation a Joy Score of 9.6 — a rating based on those who said they were happy or satisfied with their project, with 10 being the highest rating and 1 the lowest.

1. Stick to a Plan

A bathroom remodel is no place for improvisation. Before ripping out the first tile, think hard about how you will use the space, what materials and fixtures you want, and how much you’re willing to spend.

The National Kitchen and Bath Association recommends spending up to six months evaluating and planning before beginning work. That way, you have a roadmap that will guide decisions, even the ones made under remodeling stress. Once work has begun — a process that averages two to three months — resist changing your mind. Work stoppages and alterations add costs. Some contractors include clauses in their contracts that specify premium prices for changing original plans.

If planning isn’t your strong suit, hire a designer. In addition to adding style and efficiency, a professional designer makes sure contractors and installers are scheduled in an orderly fashion. Hiring a bathroom designer costs $50 to $200 per hour for a consultation, and $1,200 to $4,800 (5% to 10% of the project) for a complete design.

2. Keep the Same Footprint

You can afford that Italian tile you love if you can live with the total square footage you already have. 

Keeping the same footprint, and locating new plumbing fixtures near existing plumbing pipes, saves demolition and reconstruction dollars. You’ll also cut down on the dust and debris that make remodeling so hard to live with.

Make the most of the space you have. Glass doors on showers and tubs open up the area. A pedestal sink takes up less room than a vanity. If you miss the storage, replace a mirror with a deep medicine cabinet.

3. Make Lighting a Priority

Multiple shower heads and radiant heat floors are fabulous adds to a bathroom remodel. But few items make a bathroom more satisfying than lighting designed for everyday grooming. You can install lighting for a fraction of the cost of pricier amenities.

Well-designed bathroom task lighting surrounds vanity mirrors and eliminates shadows on faces: You look better already. The scheme includes two ceiling- or soffit-mounted fixtures, and side fixtures or sconces distributed vertically across 24 inches (to account for people of various heights). Four-bulb lighting fixtures work well for side lighting.

Today, shopping for bulbs means paying attention to lumens, the amount of light you get from a bulb — i.e., brightness. For these bathroom task areas, the Lighting Research Center recommends:

  • Toilet: 45 lumens
  • Sink: 450 lumens
  • Vanity: 1,680 lumens

4. Clear the Air

Bathroom ventilation systems may be out of sight, but they shouldn’t be out of mind during a bathroom remodel.

Bathroom ventilation is essential for removing excess humidity that fogs mirrors, makes bathroom floors slippery, and contributes to the growth of mildew and mold. Controlling mold and humidity is especially important for maintaining healthy indoor air quality and protecting the value of your home — mold remediation is expensive, and excess humidity can damage cabinets and painted finishes.

A bathroom vent and water closet fan should exhaust air to the outside — not simply to the space between ceiling joists. Better models have whisper-quiet exhaust fans and humidity-controlled switches that activate when a sensor detects excess moisture in the air.

5. Think Storage

Bathroom storage is a challenge: By the time you’ve installed the toilet, shower, and sink, there’s often little space left to store towels, toilet paper, and hair and body products. Here are some ways to find storage in hidden places.

  • Think vertically: Upper wall space in a bathroom is often underused. Freestanding, multi-tiered shelf units designed to fit over toilet tanks turn unused wall area into found storage. Spaces between wall studs create attractive and useful niches for holding soaps and toiletries. Install shelves over towel bars to use blank wall space.
  • Think movable: Inexpensive woven baskets set on the floor are stylish towel holders. A floor-stand coat rack holds wet towels, bath robes, and clothes.
  • Think utility: Adding a slide-out tray to vanity cabinet compartments provides full access to stored items and prevents lesser-used items from being lost or forgotten.

6. Contribute Sweat Equity

Shave labor costs by doing some work yourself. Tell your contractor which projects you’ll handle, so there are no misunderstandings later.

Some easy DIY projects:

  • Install window and baseboard trim; save $250.
  • Paint walls and trim, 200 square feet; save $200.
  • Install toilet; save $150.
  • Install towel bars and shelves; save $20 each.

7. Choose Low-Cost Design for High Visual Impact

A “soft scheme” adds visual zest to your bathroom, but doesn’t create a one-of-a-kind look that might scare away future buyers.

Soft schemes employ neutral colors for permanent fixtures and surfaces, then add pizzazz with items that are easily changed, such as shower curtains, window treatments, towels, throw rugs, and wall colors. These relatively low-cost decorative touches provide tons of personality but are easy to redo whenever you want.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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8 Home Remodeling Projects With Top-Dollar Returns

Not all home improvements are created equal. These will reward you the most when it comes time to sell.

Homeowners entertaining on their porch
Image: Nigel Riches/Offset

Your home is in the perfect location, came at the perfect price, with the perfect lot. (Yay southern exposure!)

But the home itself? Perfect isn’t the adjective you’d use. But you knew that moving in, and now you’re ready to start making it just right.

Where to begin, though? How about with data? Data is that friend who tells you like it really is.

Because while any home improvement that brings you joy is priceless, not all add as much home equity as you might expect.

The “Remodeling Impact Report” from the National Association of REALTORS® has tons of data on how much improvements cost — and how much of those costs you can recoup.

Here are eight of the report’s best home remodeling projects with equity-building might:

#1 New Roof

Two men work on a gray shingled roof with houses in distance
Image: Eddy Garcia

If you find yourself sprinting for the buckets when it starts to sprinkle, getting a new roof should be your No. 1 to-do. Measuring rainfall from the indoors isn’t cool. 

The cost: $7,500 

The return: 107% at $8,000

Considering it’s what’s between you and the elements, it’s a no-brainer. 

Not sure if you need a new roof? Signs you might include:

  • Shingles are missing, curling up, or covered in moss.
  • Gritty bits from the asphalt shingles are coming out the downspout. 
  • The sun’s shining through your attic. 
  • You notice stains on ceilings and walls.
  • Your energy bill is sky high.

#2 and #3 Refinished or New Hardwood Floors

Herringbone wood floor in white kitchen with steel appliance
Image: SL Interiors

You flip on the TV to see that your fave home reno-ing duo is it at again, flipping a ranch that’s stuck in the ’80s. 

They make it to the living room, pull back the dingy carpet to reveal hardwood floors in great condition. They’re psyched — and for good reason. 

Hardwood floors are a timeless classic. Refinishing is a no-brainer. Neither will you regret adding new hardwood floors if you have none.

The cost to refinish: $2,600

The return: 100% at $2,600

The cost to buy new: $4,700

The return: 106% at $5,000 

#4 New Garage Door

White glass garage door on gray, ranch-style home
Image: Sunwest Garage Door

No surprise that a garage door replacement project made it onto this #winning list — a new garage door provides a big boost for your home’s curb appeal at a relatively modest cost. 

The cost: $2,100

The return: 95% at $2,000

There are options galore, too. A host of factory-finish colors, wood-look embossed steel, and glass window insets are just some of the possibilities that’ll give your doors bankable personality. 

#5 Better Insulation

Insulation is tucked out of sight, so it’s often out of mind — that is, until you’re forced to wear your parka indoors because it’s sooo darn cold. 

The cost: $2,400

The return: 83% at $2,000 (plus the added savings on heating and cooling costs!)

#6 New Siding

Home with blue siding and white trim | New Siding for ROI
Image: Larkaun Homes

In any color! And never paint again. 

Those are two of the three benefits of vinyl siding. The third, of course, is your home’s value. 

But if long-time homeowners look at you funny when you mention vinyl siding, just tell them that today’s vinyl is way better than what they remember because of fade-resistant finishes and transferable lifetime warranties. 

The cost: $15,800

The return: 63% at $10,000

#7 Fiber-Cement Siding

Want fiber-cement siding instead? It also shows a strong payback of 76%. Although it’s the pricier option — you’ll spend about $19,700 with a payback of about $15,000 — it has one thing vinyl still lacks — the perception of quality.

The cost: $19,700

The return: 76% at $15,000

#8 HVAC Replacement

Air quality is top of mind these days, so replacing an HVAC system is a timely project — plus it cuts those pesky utility costs. Of the people surveyed in the NAR report, almost half said the most important benefit of HVAC replacement was better functionality and livability.

The cost: $8,200

The return: 85% at $7,000

Quality matters. In a survey from the National Association of Home Builders, “quality” was the one of the most important traits home buyers focused on when house hunting.

Perceptions of quality can vary, but the majority of both first-time buyers and repeat buyers said they’d rather have a smaller home with high-quality products and services than a bigger home with fewer amenities.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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4 To-Do’s for July to Save Money & Get Ready for Fall

Now’s the time to stock up on paint.

Image: HouseLogic

When it’s hot outside, smart homeowners focus their energies inside on these four tasks. You know, like taking advantage of your nice, cool basement.

#1 Organize the Basement

Wall of organizers in a home basement
Image: Simplified By Simi

The two most common types of clutter? Old clothes and seasonal items. Just the kind of stuff that winds up in the basement. So this month, face your messy basement head on. Not only will you regain space, but you’ll also save time and could even knock back clutter-related depression. (Yeah, that’s a thing.)

Now that you’ve got it organized, maybe it’s a good time to consider this next project:

#2 Finish the Basement

Redone basement
Image: Barnes Custom Builders

The solution to a cramped house could be right under your feet. Transforming an unfinished basement into a media room, home office — or even a rentable space — builds equity, upping your home’s resale value. Start this project now, and you can kick back and enjoy your new space all winter long.

#3 Buy Paint on Sale

Paint purchased at a discount
Image: Eman Jamal/Getty

July. Not really the time of year you think of painting, right? It’s usually too hot and humid. Probably why so many places put paint on sale this month. Stock up now, and you’ll be ready for that painting project on your fall to-do list. (P.S. Latex and acrylic paint can last up to 10 years; oil-based, up to 15.)

#4 Hit Up Recycling Centers

Upcycled carved wooden mantel to get ready for fall
Image: Windy Hill Farmhouse

Summer is home improvement season. That also makes it the savvy buyer’s time to seek out deals at recycling centers and home improvement resale stores. Since this is project time — not to mention moving season — lots of folks are ditching their old stuff. Take advantage and grab it up at super-low prices.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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5 Plants You (Almost) Never Have to Water

Gorgeous, cheap, and practically care-free — what’s not to love?!

Image: jasminam/Getty

Every plant needs water. But drought-resistant varieties need only dainty sips once they’re established, making them perfect for low-rainfall areas and low-energy gardeners.

Native plants have the best chance of surviving dry summers or whatever nature throws at them, according to Susan Gottlieb, co-creator of Gottlieb Native Garden, an ecosystem with more than 200 native plant species located in Beverly Hills, Calif.

“Natives have evolved to thrive in your climate without a whole lot of extra work,” Gottlieb says.

Include these five stunners in your landscaping and retire your watering can.

#1 California Lilac

Image: Krzysztof Dac/Getty

This beautiful shrub flowers in late winter/early spring, emits a lovely fragrance, and shows flowers that run from white to purple. The Concha variety is prized for its deep blue blossoms. California lilacs grow best on dry, sloping land or in front of any structure that protects them from wind. They also prefer well-drained soil, and they don’t do well in clay.

#2 Deer Grass

Image: undefined undefined/Getty

Found in many desert gardens, deer grass is a spiky and dependable ornamental. It loves full sun, but also will grow in a little shade. Water every three days until established. After the first year, water only every three weeks.

#3 Salvia, Heatwave Series

Image: Elizabeth Fernandez/Getty

These dependable perennials were developed in Australia to withstand extreme weather. As a bonus, they bloom spring through fall, to the delight of hummingbirds and butterflies. Colors include white, pink, and salmon.

#4 Dusty Miller

Image: Salomatin/Getty

This low-growing perennial is known for its silver-gray foliage. It looks good as a ground cover and thrives in containers stuffed with annuals. It hates standing around with wet roots, so plant it in soil that drains well.

#5 Tickweed

Image: ZarFilms/Getty

These yellow perennials add a burst of sunshine to any garden or border. More than 100 species are long-blooming (if you deadhead them) and low maintenance. They range from long and leggy to small and mounded. Also, they are easy to divide, creating many more plants season after season.

More than 45 states host Native Plant Societies, which can guide your selection and help you save water in your garden. To find a local society, check with your local extension agent or with the Native Plant Conservation Campaign, a friend to native and endangered plants.

For more ideas, check out these drought-resistant plants with an emphasis on color, and these lawn alternatives that don’t hog water.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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