Attic & Basement Storage Ideas to Gain More Space

Outfitting your basement and attic with efficient storage can be life-changing. Not only will you get more living space, it can give your home an edge over others when it comes time to sell.

Try these ideas to get the most storage out of your home, while freeing up more floor space for you.

Conceal the Mess With Built-Ins

Expand your idea of built-ins: they’re not just for your upstairs living room, and this value-adding upgrade is easily DIYed. Break out your power tools or work with a carpenter to craft wall-to-wall shelving for this über-useful storage idea.

Cover With a Curtain

Let’s face it: Your off-season tubs will never be glamorous. But they can stay out of sight, even if you don’t have to budget for built-ins.

Dividing a basement room in two gives you the best of both worlds: the bonus living space of a finished basement and a dedicated storage area. It’s also money-smart, because you’ll get those finished-basement benefits without the wall-to-wall costs.

The key? Visual separation between the two. Science says clutter makes us anxious, so this basement storage idea suggests hiding the mess with a curtain. Choose a heavy curtain to keep out the basement chill.

Take Advantage of Rafter Space

Don’t let imposing rafters limit your imagination: This awkward space is eager for a smart storage solution. Long, wall-to-wall shelves provide plenty of horizontal space for those pesky must-haves you don’t need every day, like picnic supplies, seasonal dishes, and niche cleaning supplies, leaving your other spaces neat and tidy.

Stuff the Awkward Spaces

Figuring out how to best take advantage of your attic’s slanted ceiling feels like a particularly frustrating game of Tetris. But this clever attic closet storage idea fits the bill — and the slope.

Use your imagination to fit just the right storage items in this unusual space. Here, kids’ clothes and accessories are a perfect fit for this mini built-in, and soft stuffies fill the awkward top space.

Other contenders for this angular cubby? Folded linens, spare throw pillows, or a creatively-stacked triangle of toilet paper.

Go Modular Beneath the Stairs

That behind-the-stairs space can be tricky to fill: nothing quite fits right. But this ingenious modular basement under stair storage idea fits any sloped space, no matter the size. Use wooden crates or build your own stacking boxes to fit all your storage needs.

Paint the back of the boxes to add color and interest, or to clarify whose stuff goes where. Bonus: If your daughter knows the red-painted boxes are hers, she’ll be less likely to scatter stuff everywhere.

Push Pull-Out Storage to the Limit

This gorgeous built-in bookshelf is perfect for a large collection, like LEGO. The best part? The transparent plastic makes it easy to find exactly what you’re seeking, but still keep the space from feeling cluttered.

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Outdoor Lighting Ideas for a Warm & Inviting Glow

Hang around outdoor lighting designers long enough and you’ll hear a lot of talk about “moonlight effect.” That’s a naturalistic look that features light no more intense than that of a full moon, but still strong enough to make beautiful shadows and intense highlights on your home’s exterior.

Here’s how to add outdoor lighting to your house:

7 Ways to Get That Warm Exterior Glow
1. Highlight trees. Whether illumined from below or given presence by a light mounted in the tree itself, trees make stunning features.
2. Use uplights. Uplighting is dramatic because we expect light to shine downward. Used in moderation, it’s a great way to highlight architectural and landscaping features.
3. Have a focus. The entryway is often center stage, a way of saying, “Welcome, this way in.”
4. Combine beauty and function. For example, adding lighting to plantings along a pathway breaks up the “runway” look of too many lights strung alongside a walk.
5. Vary the fixtures. While the workhorses are spots and floods, designers turn to a wide range of fixtures, area lights, step lights, and bollards or post lights.
6. Stick to warm light. A rainbow of colors is possible, but most designers avoid anything but warm white light, preferring to showcase the house and its landscape rather than create a light show.
7. Orchestrate. A timer, with confirmation from a photocell, brings the display to life as the sun sets. At midnight it shuts down everything but security lighting. Some homeowners even set the timer to light things up an hour or so before dawn.

How Outdoor Lighting Helps Security
Soft, overall landscape lighting eliminates dark areas that might hide an intruder, exposing any movement on your property.

Overly bright lights actually have a negative effect, creating undesirable pockets of deep shadow.

The Best Outdoor Lights Designers Recommend
Once disparaged for their high cost and cold, bluish glow, LEDs are now the light source of choice for lighting designers.

“They’ve come down in price and now have that warm light people love in incandescent bulbs,” says Paul Gosselin, owner of Night Scenes Landscape Lighting Professionals in Kingsland, Texas.

Although LED fixtures remain twice as expensive as incandescents, installation is simpler because they use low-voltage wiring.

Another advantage is long life. LEDs last at least 40,000 hours, or about 18 years of nighttime service. With that kind of longevity, “why should a fixture have only a two-year warranty?” asks Gosselin.

He advises buying only fixtures with a 15-year warranty — proof that the fixture’s housing is designed to live as long as the LED bulbs inside.

The Cost of Outdoor Lighting
Total outdoor lighting costs will vary according to the size of your home and the complexity of your lighting scheme. Expect to pay about $100 to $200 per LED fixture including installation. LEDs also require a transformer; together, they’ll cost $300 to $500 with installation.

A motion detector security light costs an average of $300 to $400 each, with installation. Porch lights range from $65 to $200 including installation. Sconces range from $100 to $2,500 installed. Prices depend on the fixture and whether running new cable is necessary.

That kind of variation isn’t limited to porch lights and sconces. Outdoor lighting costs range considerably based on factors like square footage, DIY versus contractor installation, and high-end versus more ordinary fixtures. If you’re getting ready to add some glow to your yard, spend wisely and by considering:

Durability — Your outdoor fixtures will be exposed to the elements, so make sure they can hold up to extreme heat and cold, wind, and rain. Look for wet-rated fixtures, which can withstand harsh weather.
The scale — Before you go shopping, measure the space you want to fill. Also, keep in mind that extra large fixtures can detract from the beauty you’re creating.
Color and style — You’ll want your outdoor fixtures to complement your home’s exterior.

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Why Staging Matters, Even in a Seller’s Market

Many homes are going under contract the first weekend they’re listed—and sometimes without any preparation for the market. Still, real estate professionals can’t promise sellers their property will stand out and receive the highest offers unless buyers fall in love with the home. That’s where staging makes a big difference! In what ways does staging capture buyers’ hearts for a successful, top-dollar sale? Let us explain:

Help Buyers Emotionally Connect
Staging is about showcasing an engaging, move-in ready home that creates an emotional connection with the buyer. Updating décor with on-trend, inviting style—particularly in living rooms, primary bedrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms—can make a memorable impression. Once engaged, buyers will be more committed and possibly willing to increase their offer, and they may be less likely to change their minds at the last minute or ask for concessions.

Eighty-two percent of buyers’ agents said staging helped their clients visualize the property as their home, according to the National Association of REALTORS® 2021 Profile of Home Staging.

Increase Perceived Value
With staging, you minimize the negatives and accentuate the positives of a property to make the best impression. Start by decluttering and depersonalizing to remove any potential distractions. Then, add a coat of neutral wall color to brighten the space, remove dated window treatments, and strategically arrange furniture and remove bulky pieces. These simple updates will help play up the home’s unique features and increase the perceived value.

More than a quarter of buyers are more willing to overlook property faults if a home is staged, according to NAR’s 2021 Profile of Home Staging.

Help Buyers Better “Visualize” a Vacant Home
There is no question that a dark, empty property will not get the same attention as one filled with on-trend, engaging furnishings and accessories. Not only does it instantly help buyers visualize their furniture in the space and how it will match their lifestyle, but it also creates a more spacious and inviting room.

Create Quality Online Images to Peak Interest
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Nearly all—99%—of millennial home buyers start their search online, according to NAR’s data. Even in a hot market, staging a photo-ready property can directly influence a buyer’s decision to see the home in person and submit an offer.

Stats Show Staging Is Worth the Investment
Staging is an investment that helps maximize the rate of return on the sale of the property—and usually costs less than the first price reduction. With an average investment of 1% of the sale price into staging, about 75% of sellers saw an ROI of 5% to 15% over asking price, according to data from the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA).

A recent survey from the International Association of Home Staging Professionals shows that staging helps sell homes three to 30 times faster than the nonstaged competition. Further, staging can help increase the sale price by up to 20% on average.

For sellers who decide not to stage, the IAHSP survey also shows that the average price reduction on a home was five to 20 times more than what the staging investment would have been.

For more examples of interior decorating and home staging, visit is external).

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November Home Maintenance

With the holidays coming at you fast and furious, you want to be sure your home is cozy, but with that fresh-as-spring feel — as opposed to that musty-damp-winter feel.

Here’s how to make that happen (along with a few other timely tips):

#1 Wash Bed Pillows

You love your trusty, old, perfectly-snugged-to-your-head pillow. But guess what’s also snug against your head? Fungus — 4 to 16 species to be precise. Gross!

With fall being the height of guest season, you’ll want your pillows fresh, too. Pop them in the washing machine and dryer for an all-over clean feeling. (But check manufacturer advice, too. Some pillows shouldn’t be washed, but replaced instead.)

#2 Clean the Mattress, Too

Sleeping soundly gets even better when you know you’re lying on a clean and fresh mattress. The yuck factor: Skin cells and sweat get into the mattress, then dust mites show up for a dinner party featuring those tasty skin cell morsels.

You’ll want your mattress to be at it’s freshest. It’s easy to do: Vacuum it and then wipe it down with a cloth dampened with an upholstery shampoo. But be sure to let it dry; otherwise, you’re inviting mold. Also, be sure to rotate it 180 degrees to help keep it lump-free.

(Another option: If you’ve got a flippable mattress, go ahead and flip it. That, too, can help kill the yucky mites.)

#3 Insulate Windows

Bone-chilling drafts seriously detract from the cozy vibe you want. Keep it cozy by hanging drapes as close to your windows as possible to help you keep the heat inside.

You can even add clear Velcro strips or dots to the back of the drape and attach to fasteners on the wall to help insulate. Be sure to cross one drape over the other when you close up for the night. Insulating shades can do the trick, too.

#4 Stock Up on Snow Supplies

If snow is a given where you live and you’re lacking supplies, take advantage of seasonal sales now to make sure you’re not the one rushing to the hardware store at the last minute — only to find out they just sold out of ice melt.

If you have a snow blower, be sure to have it serviced and fueled up before the first winter storm arrives — and with it, price hikes on all the snow stuff.

#5 Trim Tree Branches

The last thing you need is a winter storm loosing the wrath of that mighty tree whose branches are angling over your roof. Long limbs invite pests to explore your roof and allow excess water to seep into cracks in the roof or siding.

Keep limbs and branches at least 3 feet from the house. Plus it’s easier to trim branches after leaves have fallen. (If it’s an evergreen, well, sorry about that. It’ll be a prickly job, but the bonus is you’ll have greenery for the holidays!)

#6 Get a Chimney Sweep to Inspect the Fireplace

It’s time to dust off and sweep the chimney! Best to hire someone who knows wood-burning fireplaces. A professional chimney sweep will ensure your wood-burning fireplace burns more efficiently and will help prevent chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning during the winter. So, yeah, it’s pretty important.

Tip: If you don’t already have a chimney cap, this is also the time to add one to stop wild outdoor critters from crawling down it — and (yikes!) into your house.

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6 Clever Clutter Solutions

You purged. You donated. You discarded. Yet, even with excess items banished from your home, clutter is creeping back in. The real culprit? All those household essentials and cherished keepsakes still need a tidy, convenient spot to live. Without accessible storage, these must-haves quickly take over countertops and corners, garages, and the great outdoors. But with a little creativity, you can reclaim these spaces while keeping all your things right in reach.

Get inspired to declutter your home with these clever solutions that turn everyday items and locations into sneaky storage spots right under your nose.

1. Curate Your Clutter

Sometimes the difference between “clutter” and “collection” is all in the presentation. After falling in love with film photography as a student, Nicholas Hendrickx amassed an expansive assortment of cameras — from $1 thrift-shop finds to high-end brands like Hasselblad — scattered throughout his home.

To give his treasures the respect they deserve, he invested in a simple display case from Ikea — white to match the other cabinetry in his work space. Through Hendrickx’s careful spacing and grouping, even old flashbulbs and film holders are now part of an artful installation.

“It’s nice to be surrounded by these beautiful cameras that each have a memory connected to it,” he says.

2. Capitalize on Crevices

That 6-inch space between your refrigerator and the wall can either be a destination for dust bunnies or the answer to your small-kitchen storage woes. Classy Clutter blogger Mallory Nikolaus spent just $110 to build a pull-out pantry for canned goods and spices. The 64-by-31-inch cabinet is constructed of primed pine boards and dowels, with a handle and metal casters that allow it to smoothly slide back into its slim space — not that this creation deserves to be hidden. The polished yet quirky piece is finished with beadboard on the back and a spray-painted chevron pattern inside.

Because it’s supported by the wall on one side and the refrigerator on the other, Nikolaus notes it’s important not to pull the cabinet out too far.

3. Conceal an Eyesore, Create Storage

Who doesn’t love a double-duty fix? For a mere $10, this yard-sale armoire enabled handy homeowner Melodye Farrar to conceal her home’s electric and cable boxes and create built-in storage for a garden hose and cleaning supplies.

Situated next to the back door, the space was a longtime eyesore, but it took just one day to remedy. Farrar and her husband removed the top and back of the armoire and built a concrete-stone foundation to keep the cabinetry out of any standing water. Two L-brackets and concrete anchors secure the top of the armoire to the wall, and a coat of marine varnish protects the wood from the elements.

For Farrar, the cabinet makes it much more enjoyable to entertain in the surrounding garden area, with cleaning supplies close at hand yet out of sight.

4. Beef Up Bed Storage

Your bed takes up prime real estate in your home. And for all but eight hours of the day, it doesn’t serve much of a purpose. Why not put that space to work? Beds with built-in drawers are convenient for in-season clothing, while lift-up mattresses like this Ikea model offer a box-spring-size storage area for items you don’t reach for every day.

Prefer to DIY your way to clever bed storage? Atlanta-based organizing expert Gigi Miller suggests going the old-school route. Those risers you relied on in your cramped college dorm room will lift your bed from 3 to 6 inches off the ground, providing enough space to slide storage containers underneath. Miller recommends clear containers on wheels for maximum ease, and canvas bins lined with cedar planks for keeping clothing fresh.

5. Pegboard Pots and Pans

Julia Child knew how to cook. She also knew how to keep her kitchen organized. One of its most renowned features? A floor-to-ceiling pegboard for her French copper pots and pans. It’s an ideal way to gain storage by using vertical surfaces. And it’s affordable. A basic 2-by-4-foot pegboard made of plastic or pressed wood will run you less than $10, and a starter kit with mounting hardware and hooks costs less than $20.

As for the aesthetics, “A kitchen pegboard can be both functional and beautiful if done right,” Miller says. Paint, frame, or cover it with fabric for a pop of personality and color, and keep the look polished by grouping similar items — pots and pans on one board, utensils on another.

6. Make a Mobile Yard Work Station

It’s a condition that can afflict even the most organized garage: Little by little, all those yard and garden tools find their way onto workbenches and the floor, crowding out cars and humans alike. Professional organizer Amanda Kovattana fought back, using reclaimed materials to reclaim her garage.

This ingenious rolling cart is constructed from two doors, unused sewer pipe, and salvaged closet rods — all mounted on four beefy casters. The one material Kovattana purchased for the project: a pegboard for odds and ends that might otherwise end up on the floor.

This project took Kovattana, an experienced carpenter, about six hours to build. But even for a novice, the time invested will pay off in spades when you don’t need a search party to find the darn rake.

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9 Ways to Avoid Overspending on Fire Pits

Indoor evenings on the couch are so last year. Literally. Relaxing around a fire and under the stars is about to be the place for a perfect night. But a built-in fire pit can cost upward of $5,000 for an above-ground, propane-burning brick fire pit without installation. That’s a pricey upgrade.

Don’t worry. With these money-saving tips, you can build a fire pit for less than a grand — and still have a fabulous one:

#1 Choose Wood Instead of Gas

Gas fire pits are more expensive because you’ll have to hire a plumber to run the gas line and an electrician to power the pit.

A wood fire pit has none of that cost, which will run at least several hundred dollars. Besides, who doesn’t love the smokey ambiance of a wood fire?

#2 If You Want Gas, Put It Close to Your House
OK, not everyone loves an ashy, smoky fire pit. If you do want the simplicity of gas, you can get it most cheaply by keeping that gas line as short as possible.

The farther from your house that plumber has to run the gas line, the longer he’ll be there. And the longer he’s there, the more it will cost. And remember the electrician you’re going to pay to run wires to power the automatic starter? Same thing.

#3 Skip the Built-In Seating

Those stone benches in a semicircle around a flaming fire pit look like money. That’s because they’re made of it.

Built-in benches that will seat six people with a comfortable amount of personal space can cost as much — or more — as the fire pit itself.

A resin Adirondack chair can cost $150 or less. Plus, chairs are easier on your butt as well as your wallet.

“Built-in benches look cool, but no one wants to sit on them,” says Aaron Rogers of Southern Poolscapes. “They’re really uncomfortable.”

#4 Don’t Do Custom Anything
You can have a fire pit designed just for you. One-of-a-kind. But unless you’re a trust-funder or just like spending money like one, stick with a contractor’s standard build. Most offer prefab, modular units that cost at least half as much as a custom build.

“I’ve put in custom fire pits that cost as much as $7,000 — just for the pit,” Rogers says. That means the patio cost even more. Yowsa!

#5 Go With a Paver Patio

Flagstone gives you the natural beauty of real stone, but it costs $15 to $30 per square foot for patio flooring and $25 per square foot for flagstone pavers.

Unless you’re making a one-person pit (no judgment, introverts), that’s gonna add up. A paver patio looks manufactured, but it costs $6 to $10 per square foot. “Concrete pavers are a good way to cut costs and still have a good-looking patio,” says Ted Essig of Sky Valley Landscape.

#6 Select an (Almost) Smokeless Fire Pit
Smokeless fire pits, or smokeless stoves, aren’t entirely smokeless. But even though they’re wood burning, they generate less ash than wood fire pits The list of pros is extensive: durable, easy to maintain, efficient, usually made of stainless steel, and sometimes portable.

Keep in mind that some aren’t safe to use on decks, so for those, you’ll need a heat shield or fire pit mat.

The price ranges from about $90 to about $600 if you want a high-end Solo Stove.

#7 Choose a Decomposed Granite Patio (It’s the Cheapest!)
It looks like sand. It isn’t fancy. But it’s cheap as heck.

A pro can lay this stuff for as little as $2 a square foot.

Very important: Heavy rainfall can wash away a decomposed granite patio. If you live in Phoenix, decomposed granite is a great option. If you live in New Orleans, keep shopping.

#8 DIY a Fire-Pit Kit
If you’re handy, DIY it. You can get a kit for a wood-burning fire pit for $130 and up. (You can buy kits for gas fire pits, too, but they cost a lot more and you’re still going to need to run a gas line.)

The easiest fire-pit kits are made of modular stone that you can stack, no mortar necessary. They’re like Legos for grown-ups. Each brick has a raised edge that makes it sit securely on the one below it. The only tool you’ll need is a wrench.

But be prepared: These kits can weigh as much as half a ton. Buy one you can have delivered.

#9 DIY the Patio, Too
If you’re building the pit, why not build the patio, too? It’s just a floor, so no design skills required.

In order of difficulty: A decomposed granite patio is easiest to DIY. Pavers are next, followed by flagstone.

“Fifty to 60 percent of a patio cost is the labor,” Rogers says. You can do this, thrifty homeowner. Go to YouTube, search “How to build a patio,” and get going.

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14 Hacks You Can Do Now to Make House Cleaning Go Faster

It’s the little things that get you every time. And that goes for your home, too. Stained porcelain, carpets, stinky appliances — they all hurt your home’s market value in the end. And, frankly, they’re no fun to look at every day, either.

Get your house put back together with these house-cleaning hacks. No trip to the hardware store needed. You’ve already got what you need with these quick-and-easy house-cleaning tips.

#1 Kitty Litter for Oil Spills
Oil spots on the garage floor are unsightly, but they’re super easy to clean with kitty litter. Buy the cheapest clay litter you can find. Pour a thick layer on the stain, then walk on it to crush it into the oil. Let it sit for 30 minutes, and then sweep it up. Now you’ve preserved your garage floor and your resale value.

#2 Nail Polish to Stop Rust Rings
Nothing beats the longevity of porcelain, but when it’s rust-stained, it loses its appeal. So if your metal cans of shaving cream leave orange rings on your sinks or bathtubs, paint the bottoms with clear nail polish. Now when you put down the can, there’s a layer of protection between it and the surface.

#3 Vinegar for Hard Water Spots

Hard water spots show up around the edge of tubs and faucets, even when you’re diligent about cleaning. Get rid of them with white vinegar. Douse a rag, then wipe the stains away. If the stains persist, let the rag sit directly on them for several minutes, then buff the area with a clean, dry towel.

#4 Alcohol to Remove Nail Polish from Carpet
Nail polish on the carpet can give you an even bigger moment of panic than a red wine dump. Keep your zen. Some rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth will do the trick.

#5 Swiffer for Paint Prep
Sometimes it takes more time to prep walls for painting than to apply the color. Speed the cleaning portion of the process by dusting the walls with a Swiffer.

#6 Rubber Gloves for Pet Hair

If you’re tired of finding pet hair on carpet and upholstery, here’s a fast, green fix. Run a rubber glove over the material. The glove creates static, so the hair clings, instantly transferring from the fibers to the latex. Wash off the glove, and use again it every time things get hairy.

#7 Toothpaste to Fill Small Holes in Walls
Need a super quick way to repair small holes (less than 1/4 inch) in the wall? Fill them with toothpaste. Smooth it on with a putty knife (a wooden ruler or playing card works, too), and rinse it with a damp cloth to remove the excess. Then paint over the toothpaste — or, if you’re lucky, your toothpaste might actually blend with your wall color.

#8 Lemon for Stained, Stinky Microwaves

Lemons. We love them in lemonade and Sidecars. But they also cut stinky, burned-on food in microwaves.

Here’s the trick: Pour half a cup of water into a bowl. Slice a lemon in half, and squeeze the juice into the water. Then drop the lemon into the bowl. Microwave for three minutes, let stand for five. Remove the bowl, and wipe down the microwave. So easy!

#9 Salt, Flour, and Vinegar to Shine Fixtures
Brass and copper tarnish when exposed to air, making your faucets and fixtures look dull. Give them a shine with a paste made of equal parts salt, flour, and vinegar. Apply, let it sit for up to an hour (a good time to make it a twofer and tackle other chores), then rinse and buff dry. The paste naturally breaks down the oxidation, leaving your fixtures gleaming.

#10 Alcohol to Shine Stainless Steel

Stainless steel appliances are beautiful and durable, but unless they’ve been treated to resist fingertips, they’re going to stain. Rather than buying specially made, expensive cleaners, use rubbing alcohol. Then follow-up with a light coating of olive oil to protect the shine. (Be sure to wipe up any excess oil so that it doesn’t become rancid.)

#11 Car Wax for the Stovetop
Next time you clean your metal stovetop, give your future self a break. Buff a small amount of car wax onto the cool metal surface of the stove. In the same way it prevents grime from sticking to your car, it’ll make subsequent stove cleanups quicker and easier.

#12 Socks to Clean Blinds

Window blinds seem to collect the worst of the stuff in the air: pollen, cooking grease, and dust. And they are so tedious to clean. To simplify the process, grab a sock. Slide it on your hand, soak it in water and vinegar, and then rub your hand over the slats. Clean both sides of the slat at once by gently pinching it between your thumb and fingers and sliding your hand across it.

#13 Blow Dryer to Bust Dust and Water Marks
Never spend money on canned air again. Instead, grab your hair dryer, set it to cool, and blow crumbs and dust free. This works for any hard-to-reach spot — from keyboards to that crevice between the stove and the cabinet. While you’ve got the hair dryer handy, use it to buff water marks out of hardwood floors or wood countertops. Set it on medium, and hold it a couple of inches from the stain. As you heat the wood, buff away the mark with a soft cloth. Keep wiping till the stain is gone.

#14 A Drone to Inspect the Roof

Let’s say you need to check the roof for branches after a storm. Don’t pull out the ladder. Boring. Borrow a kid’s drone. Eyeballing the roof from ground level reduces wear and tear, keeps you safe, and gives you a chance to play pilot.

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What You Need to Know About Buyer Love Letters to Home Sellers

Did you hear the one about the dog who wrote a love letter? Not to his owner, but to a home seller. Well, actually the dog’s owner wrote the letter in Buddy’s voice, describing how wag-worthy the house was and how much he craved a game of fetch in the backyard.

Doggie ghostwriting, which happened IRL, is just one example of how home buyers are using creativity to try to get their offer accepted. It sounds harmless enough. But buyer letters to home sellers can unintentionally create Fair Housing Act discrimination and risks for buyers, sellers, and their agents.

How Love Letters to Home Sellers Work
“A love letter is any communication from the buyer to the seller where the buyer is trying to set themselves apart,” says Deanne Rymarowicz, associate counsel at the National Association of REALTORS®. “ It could be an email, a Facebook post, a photo. Some buyers send elaborate packages with videos and letters. The communication has the intent of ‘pick me, and here’s why.’”

Buyers who write the letters typically send them to the listing agents, along with their offers, says Paul Knighton, CEO and cofounder of MORE Realty in Tigard, Ore. “They ask, ‘Would you please pass this along to the sellers?’ They’re trying to do what they can to get their offer accepted, especially in a competitive market.”

Letters Can Risk Violating Fair Housing Act
While these love letters may seem harmless enough, they can create a problem if buyers accidentally reveal information in one or more of the seven areas protected by the Fair Housing Act, Rymarowicz explains. Those areas are race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin. “Buyers could say something like, ‘this is down the street from our temple,’ or ‘the hallways are wide enough to accommodate my wheelchair.’ Anything that provides personal information related to one of the prohibited bases for discrimination could result in a violation if a seller makes a decision based on that information.”

Do Love Letters to Home Sellers Work?

In addition to creating potential risk, love letters to sellers aren’t all that effective, Knighton says. A case in point: Several years ago, one of his clients got 14 offers overnight, ranging from $219,000 to $250,000. “A person who offered $225,000 wanted to send a love letter. I said to him, ‘You’re writing an offer that’s $25,000 under the highest offer. A letter’s not going to help.’ He wrote it anyway, but the seller didn’t even read it and took the higher offer. The offer needs to stand on its own.”

Beyond ignoring the letters, some sellers may be completely turned off, Rymarowicz says. “They may think, ‘This is a financial transaction.’”

Even the circumstances can suggest Fair House Act discrimination, she explains. Say that an offer with a love letter got the house but was less attractive than an offer without a letter. “If the losing buyer doesn’t share characteristics of the seller and the winning buyer does, you could potentially have a situation. If sellers accept love letters, it’s more important that they document the basis of their decision when selecting a winning offer.”

Tips to Avoid Violating the Fair Housing Act
Here are five tips to avoid risk of violating the Fair Housing Act:

– Keep the contract in mind: Knighton says real estate pros at his firm talk to buyers and sellers about contract boundaries. “We say, ‘Please don’t communicate with the other party, because we are in contract negotiations and need to manage time frames.’”
– Focus on objective information: Find ways to differentiate yourself on objective terms. And talk to the agent about how to improve the substance of your offer, Rymarowicz advises. “Can you make a larger earnest money deposit? Can you give them a longer closing date?”
– Proceed with caution: The NAR discourages buyer letters to home sellers and advises caution, according to Rymarowicz.
– Talk to your agent: Don’t be surprised if your real estate agent brings up the subject. “If you’re the seller, the listing agent may talk to you about the potential for Fair Housing violations. They may ask if you want to accept the risks,” Rymarowicz says. If the agent doesn’t raise the subject of buyer letters, the buyer or seller can do so.
– Know your state law: Oregon passed a law governing how letters to home sellers are used. “Effective January 2022, a seller’s agent must reject any communication from a buyer other than customary documents,” Knighton says.

Even if a buyer letter to a seller focuses on the property and not the buyer, there’s little to be gained, Knighton says. “There’s risk, but the reward isn’t there. Instead, focus on writing a really strong offer. That’s what has to stand out.”

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Extend your Outdoor Living Season

Make an outdoor living area comfy long after the sun sets or the leaves turn with outdoor lighting, a patio heater, and a glowing firepit or portable fireplace.

Light the Deck or Patio
The sun sets sooner on your outdoor living space in the fall, but that shouldn’t limit the hours you use your deck or patio. Adding low-voltage or solar outdoor lighting fixtures lets you party or relax well after dark.

With both lighting types, you can:

– Light deck railings and stairs
– Define the patio perimeter
– Illuminate the edges of paths and walkways
– Draw attention to a planter or tree
– Other fixtures light up dining tables, grill surfaces, and even underwater in swimming pools.

Low-voltage fixtures clip onto a safe, 12-volt cable connected to a transformer, which plugs into a GFCI-protected 120-volt electrical outlet. A timer or light-sensitive control automatically turns lights on and off.

For a pool area, a kit with eight LED step lights and 12 hardscape lights, plus wiring, a transformer, and installation, would cost about $3,000.

Solar outdoor lighting fixtures don’t need cables and transformers. They simply turn themselves on automatically after dark. Each standalone fixture stakes into the ground or secures to a deck or exterior surface. You’ll save energy, as a sunlight-charged battery powers the bulb. Solar light fixtures cost $188 to $231 for six lights, with installation ranging from $167 to $271.

Solar technology has improved over time. The lights generally include LED bulbs, which emit a large amount of light for their size and the amount of energy used. With about an eight-hour charge from the sun, solar lights can illuminate all evening. That said, the amount of sunlight around your house will greatly affect how the lights perform. Outside solar lights can last three or four years, and the LEDs,10 to 15 years.

Get Glowing with a Firepit, Portable Fireplace, or Smokeless Firepit
Bring a cozy glow and a stylish focal point to your outdoor living area with a firepit or portable fireplace. Irresistible for gathering, warming up, and roasting marshmallows, firepits and portable fireplaces come in a variety of materials, sizes, and styles. You’ll also find options for fueling your fire with wood, propane, gas, or gel cans.

Check local fire codes first to find out if your community allows the use of a firepit or portable fireplace on the patio or lawn. (Never use a fire feature on a wood deck.)

A firepit is an open bowl, dish, or pan that varies in size from 24 inches across to about 40 inches. A firepit may come on a stand (some with wheels) or nestle into a tiled tabletop. Select a model with screening to contain flyaway sparks. A wood-burning firepit typically costs $500 to $1,300 including installation, and a gas firepit ranges from $900 to $3,800 including installation.

A portable outdoor fireplace ($104-$498) features a chimney to vent smoke up and away from people. Some portable fireplaces offer 360-degree views of the fire.

A smokeless firepit, or smokeless stove, is a popular choice. Despite the name, they aren’t entirely smokeless, but they generate less ash than a wood-burning firepit. The price ranges from $90 to $600.

Warm Up with a Patio Heater

Boost the warmth of your outdoor living area by as much as 15-25 degrees in the fall or spring with the addition of a portable patio heater. You’ll find three basic models:

1. Freestanding units resemble large floor lamps. Set them anywhere on your patio that will accommodate their 7-8 foot height. Some models include wheels for mobility. Expect to pay from $153 to $887, depending on heat output and fuel source.

2. A tabletop patio heater rests on a table, bench, or garden wall. These compact units typically produce less heat than tall, freestanding models. Prices range from $72 to $148.

3. Ceiling- or wall-mount patio heaters free up floor and table space, and typically emit heat via a halogen lamp. Prices vary from $112 to $866.

Make your selection based on how much outdoor living area you want to heat and whether you want a model powered by electricity or natural gas (each requiring a connection) or with a propane tank, which allows mobility.

“Visit for more articles like this.  Reprinted from with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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