How to Keep Bugs Out of Your Home & Yard

A lush spot for outdoor entertaining? Great. Perfect. A constant swarm of insects that invade your patio and home? No, thank you. Here’s 7 ways to keep bugs away from your patio and yard, and from getting inside your house.

#1 Install Patio Fans

Mosquitos may have a tough sting, but they’re wimps when it comes to standing up to a breeze. Patio fans can keep your outdoor entertaining space free from mosquitoes (and other little flyers) with the flip of a switch.

And- you’ll get the benefit of a cool breeze!

(Image: Designed by Emily Klapkowski of You-Neek Designs)

#2 Don’t Mulch Too Much (or Too Little)

While mulching is generally a good thing for curb appeal, overdoing it can cause problems.

It could give cockroaches and ants the ideal environment to nest and find their way into your home, says Brittany Campbell, an entomologist with the National Pest Management Association. As mulch decomposes, it generates heat while providing cover for brooding pests. It can even help mice tunnel into your home.

So keep mulch at least 12 inches away from the foundation — or use inorganic mulch, such as rock or gravel.

But don’t go in the opposite direction and forgo mulching altogether, leaving the ground essentially bare. Yellow jackets make their nests by tunneling into bare dirt.

#3 Get Rid of Standing Water
You probably know this one already. But did you know your gutters and downspouts may harbor multiple mosquito maternity wards?

Clean out gutters and downspouts regularly to prevent clogs that can trap water and give those nasty stingers a place to breed.

Also make sure to keep kiddie pools, buckets, and watering cans empty when not in use.

Even your beloved birdbath can be an issue. “Make sure you get one with running water, so you don’t inadvertently create a mosquito breeding ground,” says Kevin Esperitu, home landscaping expert and author.

#4 Keep Your Yard Trimmed, Mowed, and Tidy

Pull out that lawnmower regularly, and keep your garden shears sharpened.

“Ticks like to hide in tall grass and wait for a passing human or animal, while bushes or tree limbs touching the home can provide easy access for pests to get indoors,” says Campbell.

Plus having a tidy yard makes for good curb appeal.

#5 Add Landscaping Plants That Bugs Hate
Bugs hate strong scents of mint or citrus. Mix plants with those scents into your landscaping, especially near the porch, patio, or deck for added beauty and functionality.

Here are some pest-repelling plants and the bugs that hate them:

Basil: flies, mosquitoes
Catnip: mosquitoes, ticks, flies, cockroaches
Chrysanthemums: roaches, ants, ticks, fleas, bedbugs
Lavender: moths, fleas, flies, mosquitoes
Citronella: mosquitoes
Geranium, lemon scented: mosquitoes
Lemon thyme: mosquitoes
Marigold: mosquitoes
Rosemary: mosquitoes

#6 Paint Your Home Lighter Colors

Studies show that bugs see dark and bright colors more easily, which is why people are often advised to wear light-colored clothing to repel them. The same principle may work for your home.

Choose lighter shades of paint color for your home’s siding, doors, trim, and other features such as fencing, patio, and decking to make it less attractive to mosquitoes.

And if pesky birds are a problem, avoid paint that is the same color as their favorite foods.

Just be sure the paint job fits into the neighborhood and enhances your home’s beauty. Bugs are a pain, but hurting your home’s value is more painful.

#7 Build a Bat House

If you live in an area where bats are local, lucky you. Really. Harness their appetite for insects to control pests in your yard. You can invite them to be your permanent guests by building a bat house. According to Bat Conservation International, one small bat can consume up to 1,000 mosquitoes per hour! (Image: Axel Bueckert/Getty)

“Visit for more articles like this. Reprinted from with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS.”

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A Pandemic Makeover

Interior designer Esther Dormer(link is external) sought to give an old space a new life. She bought a dilapidated unit in an abandoned, 80-year-old building in Pittsburgh in March 2020, recognizing the potential in its stunning cityscape views and desirable location near restaurants and shops. Dormer spent last summer rehabbing the place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every room in the house needed work. The home originally had a bathroom with a tub sitting on a pile of rocks, a kitchen in the basement that was no longer operable, and a second floor with a bedroom and a closet that desperately needed some TLC. Take a look at what Dormer was facing before her design overhaul:

Dormer designed a new floor plan for the 600-square-foot home, including moving the kitchen out of the basement and adding an extra bathroom. She also wanted to put more emphasis on the home’s views, creating a focal point around a large back window that looked out onto the deck. To create luxury and warmth, she honed in on accessories and attention to detail by adding sconces and whimsical rugs for a modern pop.

Dormer completely renovated and redesigned the home from the ground up.

Dormer Exterior Before

Dormer Exterior After
(Photos courtesy Esther Dormer Design)

Here are some of Dormer’s favorite elements from this home renovation:

Mirrored Tile
Dormer added mirrored tile to give the space a more open and luxurious feel. To balance the high-gloss impact, Dormer incorporated pallet wood. She originally had three lights over the kitchen table, but she thought it looked too cluttered. So, she swapped them out for one large wooden light.

(Photo courtesy Esther Dormer Design)

Glass Railing
The exterior deck overlooks views of the city. Dormer used a glass railing so the views would remain unobstructed. The wooden table is decorated with greenery to tie in more of nature.

(Photo courtesy Esther Dormer Design)

Layered Lighting
Dormer layered in the lighting to add texture, style, and illumination. There are five different lights in the bathroom. She kept the walls white—except for a smaller accent wall—and added in gold accents. The black flying pig on the shelf was “just a fun, whimsical element to complete the look,” she says.(Photo courtesy Esther Dormer Design)

Fringed Lights and Wall Mural
Wanting the bedroom to feel luxurious, she used fringed chandeliers and added a wall mural behind the bed to make them pop. The polka dot wallpaper adds an element of trendiness and makes the room look like an abstract painting, she notes.

(Photo courtesy Esther Dormer Design)

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”

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8 Simple Rules for Negotiating Your Offer

Here’s the dream: Your offer is perfect, you don’t need to negotiate, and you can spend the next few weeks addressing more pressing home-ownership questions, like “Why is it called wainscoting?” and “Do I want a new couch in blush or emerald green?”

And it could happen. Many sellers accept the best offer they receive, and for a variety of reasons.

But sellers are also known to reject offers for a variety of reasons. Or make counteroffers. This is especially likely if you bid low, or when you’re up against multiple competing offers.

If you do receive a counteroffer, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to accept the new contract, negotiate the terms, or walk away.

In cases such as these, look to your agent. He or she is your spirit guide. If you decide you want to negotiate — that is, make a counteroffer to the seller’s counteroffer — your agent will use their negotiating skills to help get you the best deal. This is what agents do every day.

But you’re not just going to sit there. If you understand what negotiating tactics your agent may deploy — they depend on the local market and your position — you can back them up. And cheer them on.

Here are eight rules every buyer should know before they — and their agent — start negotiating:

#1: Act Fast — Like, Now
When you receive a counteroffer, you should respond quickly — ideally within 24 hours. The longer you wait, the more space you leave for another buyer to swoop in and nab the property. Also? If a seller senses hesitation, they may decide to withdraw their counteroffer before you even have a chance to respond.

#2: Raise Your Price (Within Reason)
Got an Offer Strategy?
Before you make an offer, talk with your agent about how high you’re willing to go if the seller doesn’t accept your bid.

While you obviously don’t want to overpay for a house, you may have to up the ante — especially if you initially made a lowball offer. Lean on your agent’s expertise to determine how much money you should add to the sales price to make it more enticing to the seller.

Then, through their powers of persuasion, your agent can make the counteroffer look even more attractive by pointing out similarly priced “comps” — recently sold homes in your area that are comparable in terms of square footage and features.

As your agent negotiates, it can feel like things are escalating quickly. It’s stressful. You may feel a sudden urge to do whatever it takes to win.

Before you go overboard, there are two things you must keep in mind:

You can’t exceed the monetary confines of the pre-approved mortgage you received from your lender.
You shouldn’t overextend your budget, because your counteroffer has to be an amount you’re comfortable spending on a home. You want that new house and to keep living your life. Plus: You’re not out of options yet.

#3: Increase Your Earnest Money Deposit
Increasing your earnest money deposit (EMD) — the sum of money you put down to prove to the seller you’re serious (i.e., “earnest”) about buying the house — is another way to show the seller you have more skin in the game. A standard EMD is typically 1% to 3% of the sales price of the home. Making a counteroffer with a 3% to 4% deposit could be what you need to persuade the seller to side with you.

#4: Demonstrate Patience About Taking Possession
Depending on the seller’s timetable, changing your proposed possession date — the date you take over the property — could butter them up, too. If the seller wants to stay in the home for a few days after closing, try offering a later possession date. You could also draw up a “rent-back” agreement, meaning the seller pays you rent for staying in the home for a set period of time after the closing date.

#5: Let Go of a Few Contingencies — With Care
Want to give your counteroffer an even bigger boost?

Reduce the number of contingencies you’re asking for. It’s your way of saying, “Hey, look, I have fewer ways to back out,” which gives the seller more reassurance that the deal will close.

But be selective: Some contingencies are too important to give up. A home-inspection contingency — the right to have a home inspection and request repairs — gives you an out if you spot major problems with the home (and protects you from buying a total money pit).

You might waive a termite inspection if you’re in a state where the risk is lower.

But ultimately, waiving contingencies depends on your market, your loan program requirements, your risk tolerance, and the circumstances of the house in question. And if you waive contingencies and then you find a problem, the seller isn’t responsible for fixing it.

#6: Ask for Fewer Concessions
At a mortgage settlement, home buyers have to pay closing costs for taxes, lender’s fees, and title company fees. Closing costs vary by location, but you can expect to shell out between 3% and 4% of the home’s sales price. The seller pays an additional 1% to 3%. (Smart Asset and Nerdwallet have simple calculators you can use to get a rough idea of what your closing costs might be.)

When making an initial offer, you have the option to ask the seller for concessions — a settlement paid in cash to help you offset your share of the closing costs. (This move is less feasible if you’re going up against multiple offers.)

Concessions effectively lower the seller’s net proceeds from the sale. Making a counteroffer that removes the concessions you would have otherwise received at settlement puts cash back in the seller’s pocket — and can improve your bid.

#7: Pick Up the Cost of the Home Warranty
Sometimes sellers offer prospective buyers a home warranty. This is a plan that covers the cost of repairing major home appliances and systems, like the air conditioner or hot water heater, if they break down within a certain period (typically a year after closing).

A basic home warranty costs about $300 to $600 a year, according to Angie’s List. If it seems like waiving the home warranty can sweeten negotiations, but you still want the peace of mind of having one, tell the seller they don’t need to cover it — then buy it yourself.

Just keep in mind, whether you or the seller buy the warranty, you’ll need to pay the service fee (typically between $50 and $100) if something does, indeed, need to be repaired while under warranty.

Also, FYI: A home warranty is entirely separate from homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance — the security blanket that covers your home’s structure and possessions in the event of a fire, storm, flood, or other accident — is required if you take out a mortgage. It can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000 per year.

#8: Know When to Walk
When negotiating with a seller, trust your gut — and your agent. If he or she says a deal is bad for you: Listen.

And if you don’t want to make any more trade-offs — and the seller won’t budge — it’s smart to walk. That can be a tough decision to make, and rightfully so! Negotiating is tough. It’s draining.

And losing something you’ve worked hard to get can be disappointing. But don’t worry. There’s a better deal for you out there. And after those strong feelings of frustration pass, you’ll realize: Now I know how to do this.

“Visit for more articles like this.  Reprinted from with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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July Fourth Hosting Tips


July Fourth Hosting Tips for New Homebuyers Who Now Have Space to Entertain

By Ana Durrani
Jul 1, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic saw many homebuyers prioritizing square footage and outdoor space like never before. Some folks left the tight confines of the city for wide-open floor plans, while others refused to even look at a house that didn’t have an expansive backyard.

More space means more room to entertain, and if you’re a new homebuyer who’s spent months (or a year) dreaming about hosting a July Fourth shindig, now’s your time to shine. With the number of vaccinated people steadily rising and the number of reported cases decreasing, you can finally put that outdoor space to use and celebrate the red, white, and blue with family and friends. Cheers to that!

“Fourth of July is a great opportunity to celebrate a new home with new neighbors and old friends,” says Jenny Reimold, HomeGoods style expert. “Make it a block party where you can utilize outdoor spaces, create summer memories, and maybe even start a new annual tradition.”

Worried you’re not prepared to throw a Fourth of July bash at your new place? We’ve got you covered. Here are a few tips for Fourth of July entertaining.

Invest in outdoor dinnerware

Plastic outdoor dinnerware(Williams Sonoma)

If you’ve never had an outdoor area for serving food and drinks, you likely don’t have essential, shatter-proof dinnerware. But you should!

“This is the time to invest in some really nice melamine plates and restaurant-quality plastic glassware,” says Joanna Buchanan, a home accessories designer and expert on entertaining. “I promise you will use them over and over again.”

Consider a handwoven placemat ($48,, a patriotic outdoor tablecloth ($19.59, Target), and this rustic melamine dinnerware collection ($5.99-plus, Williams Sonoma)

“I love melamine dishware for entertaining, because there are so many unique, durable, and easy-to-clean options available,” says Reimold. “If you’re in a crunch for time, check out the party aisle at HomeGoods. It’s a gold mine for adorable and affordable patriotic supplies like festive summer napkins, paper plates, reusable plastic or bamboo utensils, and straws.”

Set up different stations

An outdoor bar is essential, but this Fourth of July, go all out with other serving stations.

“Now that you have some more space to entertain in, create different stations and really have fun with them,” says Buchanan.

For example, you can create a charcuterie area with an impressive meat and cheese spread or a dessert station featuring red, white, and blue sweets. Serve it up on this acacia wood outdoor serving cart (, $129.99).

“I use a teak wood and metal bar cart as a station for food, utensils, and party supplies. Impress your guests by creating a s’mores bar that you can easily serve up outside by a bonfire,” says Reimold.

Reusable cocktail picks ($88,—whether they’re being used for martini olives or chocolate-dipped fruit—will also come in handy.

“Having different stations helps people move around and mingle,” says Buchanan.

Patriotic decorations

Hang paper garlands, twinkle lights, or an American flag bow on that huge oak tree you now have in your beautiful new backyard.

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”

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How to Stay Cool in the Tri-Cities Heat Wave

Right in the middle of a historic heat wave across the Pacific Northwest, many of us are scrambling to find creative ways to stay cool. We’ve gathered a few tips specific to Tri-Cities to help you stay cool, whether you have a functioning air conditioner or not.

1. Hang blankets or towels on your windows to block out sunlight.

2. Drink more water than you think you need to- if you’re thirsty, you’ve already begun to get dehydrated.

3. If your AC is not functioning or if you are experiencing rolling blackouts, the Richland businesses listed in this NBC article are allowing Tri-Cities residents to come cool down.

4. Eat fruits and vegetables with high water contents- such as celery, pineapple, peaches, and oranges. Pick up some locally grown fruit at one of our farmer’s markets- check out this list of major markets in Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland with links to each one’s website. Check the website or social media of your selected market to ensure they are operating this week. OR, pick up a fresh smoothie from Fresh Picks in Kennewick, Fresh Juice Me or Fresh Leaf Co in Richland, or Helados La Michoacana in Pasco.

5. Spend some time in the Columbia river- try out a paddle board or kayak rental from Greenies in Richland, or just take a dip. Be sure to wear a lifejacket and water-resistant sunscreen, and continue to hydrate.6. Walk dogs in the early morning rather than later at night to utilize the day’s coolest temperatures- you may even get the sunrise all to yourself!

We will get through this! Leave us a comment if you have any other ideas, and stay safe out there!

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Understand What Goes into House Prices in a Competitive Market

You may be selling a home in a competitive market — for example, with low inventory and high demand. And you may be thinking “Yay!” or at least “Whew.” You know you’re likely to have more interested buyers, better offers, and a quicker trip to contract than you’d have otherwise. But along with that good news comes the need to manage your expectations by understanding what determines house prices and home sales. Factors include the right real estate agent, local market conditions, buyer preferences, seasonality, and mortgage rates versus inventory.

Work with the Right Real Estate Agent to Sell Your Home

House prices come down to the micro real estate market, says Jasen Edwards, a real estate coach and former member of REALTOR® magazine’s 30 Under 30. “What’s going on in the U.S. is a whole is different than what’s going on in Austin, Texas. [And both are] different than what’s going on in your neighborhood,” he says. “You might hear that it’s a strong seller’s market, but you might be in a micro buyer’s market.”

Edwards advises researching your market on your own, then interviewing real estate professionals to find the best person to work with. Sellers should approach working with an agent as though they’re forming a team. You’ll be creating a plan together on how to maximize home pricing, Edwards says. 

Bernadette Inez and her broker created such a team. Inez, who had lived in the same southwest Chicago home for 26 years, needed to sell last fall when she was going through a divorce. She wanted a real estate professional who could give her strong guidance in determining an asking price. 

Inez learned about Erika Villegas, managing broker and co-owner of RE/MAX In The Village in Oak Park, Ill., through Villegas’ community sponsorships and networking events. After an initial consultation, Inez hired Villegas to list her home.

Consider Local Market Conditions that Affect House Prices

Villegas did a hyper local market analysis and found the price of houses similar to Inez’s to be about $229,000. She recommended listing at $239,900, mainly because of the area’s lack of inventory and extremely low days on market. It was the right call. The house had 35 showings in the first 48 hours and generated five offers at $10,000 above the asking price.

Sometimes home improvements are needed to maximize the price. When Inez decided to put her home on the market, she opted to do some updates to appeal to more buyers. The 1950s tile in one of her bathrooms was showing its age, so she hired a contractor to install a vinyl covering. She hired someone to reglaze the tub in her other bathroom and replace all faucets, including in the kitchen. She also repainted her living room. 

Think about Buyer Preferences that May Affect Your Home Pricing

In addition to home condition, other factors, including buyer preferences, affect price. Being located on a busy street or alley, for instance, may deter some buyers. 

“I put myself in the buyers’ shoes [about] what they’re seeing in the home,” Villegas says. “For instance, many are home schooling right now. That is influencing which features buyers want in a home.” 

Know that Seasonality May Be a Factor

Seasonality has historically been a factor, but 2020 was an exception, when strong home sales extended into late fall and early winter. Existing-home sales in November were up almost 26%, and sales prices nearly 15% from the previous year, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Transactions and house prices nationwide traditionally trend up in the summer, when home shopping activity is high. They slow in the winter, when demand wanes. Demand also correlates with Americans’ higher mobility rates in the summer, when school is out. However, seasonality is also regional, with markets in the Northeast and Midwest peaking more significantly in the summer than the South and West, NAR reports. 

“Listed homes have been going under contract on average at less than a month due to a backlog of buyers wanting to take advantage of record-low mortgage rates,” says Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist. 

Weigh Mortgage Rates Against Inventory

Low interest rates can of course make purchasing a home more affordable for buyers. However, the lack of homes on the market has created stiff competition among buyers. In fact, it often puts them in bidding wars, nullifying the benefit of the low rates. According to Redfin, record low interest rates have increased home buyers’ purchasing power by 6.9%. But higher home prices have cancelled out the effect.

In multiple offer situations, Villegas creates a spreadsheet outlining the terms and pricing of each offer for her clients. She then calls the loan officers of the potential buyers to make sure their information has been verified. After that, Villegas goes through each offer one by one with her sellers. Together, they evaluate which one is not only the best, but also the most secure. She also helps her sellers prepare for the appraisal by creating a list of the home’s updates from the past few years. 

Why You May Need to Be Flexible

Flexibility is a plus, even when circumstances seem to favor sellers. Low inventory and aggressive house prices are compromising many buyers’ ability to afford a home. Sellers should be prepared to make adjustments if necessary. 

“No one has a crystal ball,” says Edwards. Ideally, the seller should list at a price that gets attention and triggers a lot of interest, he adds.

When buyers are continuing to take advantage of ultra-low interest rates, a seller’s market will remain in areas with sought-after price points and a low inventory of homes for sale. 

“Visit for more articles like this.  Reprinted from with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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8 Camera Tips to Capture a Room’s Size

Make sure every square foot counts when photographing interiors. Try these tips to expand the space.

Buyers love spacious homes. They also love to look at online property photos. But it’s not always easy to squeeze square footage into a camera shot—and sometimes furniture arrangements or floor coverings actually do a disservice to the way your listing is presented online or in marketing photos, says Debra Gould, president of home staging company Six Elements Inc. in Toronto and creator of the Staging Diva training program.

She offers these tips for making sure that every room of your listing looks as large in photos as it does in real life.

1. Remove area rugs. Rugs break up the expanse of the floor and can make rooms look smaller. Keep the floor as clear as possible.

2. Use a wide-angle camera. A camera with a wide-angle lens (28 millimeters or less on a DSLR, or the equivalent on a point-and-shoot) is best for interior shots because it magnifies the distance between objects and showcases a room’s depth, Gould says. But beware of fisheye lenses or ultra wide-angle lenses, which tend to make rooms look wider but can mislead buyers into thinking there’s more space than there is.

3. Get creative with furniture. Make sure that furniture doesn’t block views or walkways so you reveal as much of the floor as possible. If there’s too much furniture packed into a room or the furniture is too large, it can also work against you in photos.

In a crowded room, try removing a few pieces of furniture or swapping in a smaller piece. In a kitchen or dining room, it might look better if you remove that extra leaf from the table. Try using furniture to create new spaces in large rooms and really show off that square footage. For example, Gould added a reading corner in a master bedroom to show that more than just a bed could fit.

4. Fill up an empty space. Buyers have trouble imagining how their stuff will fit into an empty room; the space can seem smaller than it really is. If possible, bring in furniture for staging. “If the rooms are furnished, they look larger and much more inviting,” Gould says.

5. Use mirrors to your advantage. A reflection in a mirror can reveal more of a room when you can’t squeeze everything into your photo. This can be a great technique particularly when photographing bathrooms. Use the reflection of the bathroom mirror to show the extras, such as that soaker tub. Just be sure to shoot photos at an angle so that you don’t capture your own reflection!

6. Lighten up. In photos, brighter rooms typically come across as more open and welcoming, whereas dark rooms can look small and dingy. Pay attention to the light sources in a room to get a better shot. Turn on all of the lights and open the curtains to let in natural light and expand the space. But don’t shoot directly into a light source; it’ll darken a room.

7. Shoot at an angle. The diagonal line is the longest visual line in a room. Try shooting from the corner; back up as far as you can before you shoot. But don’t limit yourself: Take shots from three or four different angles so that you have plenty of options, Gould recommends. Also, try getting low to the ground to show off the length of the room. Eye level doesn’t always work best to capture floor proportions.

8. Remove clutter. You’ve heard it before, but clutter makes a room look cramped and steals attention from a room’s intended focal points. Clear away paper stacks, crowded walls of artwork, cluttered countertops, magnets covering the refrigerator, and towels hanging from the stove.

Finally, do your best to ensure that any major changes you make to a room’s layout for the purpose of photos are kept in place for showings. “You’ll create a disconnect if the house looks great only in the online photos,” Gould says. “If buyers feel let down, they’re not going to buy the house.”

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Mouth-Watering Outdoor Kitchens

(And Surprise! Their ROI Is Great)

What they typically cost, and tips for getting the most return on your investment.

Outdoor kitchen on home backyard deck
Image: Aniko Levai of Place of My Taste

Building an outdoor kitchen is more than an indulgence: These backyard beauties can improve your home’s value. Outdoor kitchens typically get a 71% return on investment, according to the “Remodeling Impact Report” from the National Association of REALTORS® — and that’s on top of your own outdoor-cooking joy.

The investment can be a little — or a lot. These five outdoor kitchen ideas fit a range of budgets and homes.

#1 A Tiny Outdoor Kitchen for Limited Spaces

Small outdoor entertaining area with grill and oven
Image: Field-Issue

If you boil down an outdoor kitchen to the basics, what more do you need than a grill, a little oven, cupboard space, and a cozy place to sit? This setup does it all efficiently, for as little as a few hundred dollars if you already have outdoor electricity. An electrician will add to the cost.

#2 An Outdoor Kitchen From a Kit

Concrete outdoor kitchen with sink and wood-burning oven
Image: WWOO Concrete Outdoor Kitchens

Modular kits, like this one from WWOO (starting around $1,500), can be customized to suit your backyard. Some companies even offer design help for additional cost.

The galley-inspired layout here also does double duty by adding privacy. (Keep in mind the cool outdoor sink requires additional plumbing, which will increase the cost.)

#3 An Outdoor Kitchen Made of Concrete & Steel

White concrete and stainless steal outdoor kitchen
Image: Mrs. Rackley

DIY-savvy homeowners used concrete and cement board to create this L-shaped outdoor kitchen that mimics today’s indoor layouts. Guests relax at the counter while the host flips burgers — it’s open-concept living in the great wide-open.

No, this isn’t DIY 101, but if you’ve got the skill set you can do it for the cost of materials — and concrete is cheap. If you hire a pro, though, the typical cost is about $14,000 for a kitchen that includes an inset grill, steel drawers, ice chest, sink, and concrete countertop, according to the “Remodeling Impact Report.”

#4 An Outdoor Kitchen With Personal Style

Wooden outdoor kitchen with grill, mini fridge, and table
Image: Custom outdoor products by Rustic WoodWorx, LLC

Your outdoor kitchen doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s. But it should match your home’s style if you want to get a return on your investment. This DIY kitchen fits the home’s rustic style and comes with enough storage any indoor cook would envy.

#5 An Outdoor Kitchen That Says “Sit a Spell”

Outdoor dining area with yellow umbrella over table
Image: Aniko Levai of Place of My Taste

Your outdoor kitchen can play the same role in your yard that your kitchen inside does: as the heartbeat of every gathering where guests will want to stay awhile. And bonus: The added deck and pergola could also kick up your home value a couple of notches.

“Visit for more articles like this.  Reprinted from with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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Replace or Reface?

Replace or Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets? Options and Costs

Refacing kitchen cabinets might be “superficial,” but the results and savings are dramatic.

Refaced kitchen cabinets
Image: Kathy Corbet Interiors/John Magor Photography

Refacing your kitchen cabinets includes covering the exposed frames with a thin veneer of real wood or plastic laminate.

Doors and drawer fronts are replaced to match or complement the new veneer. New hinges, knobs, pulls, and molding complete the transformation.

What Are the Pros and Cons?

Kitchen cabinet refacing pros:

  • Costs about half as much as replacing cabinets.
  • Takes less time (a week or less!) and money.
  • It’s less hassle than tearing out cabinets.
  • You can still use your kitchen while refacing.
  • It’s a green kitchen remodeling solution because you’re not adding to the landfill.

Kitchen cabinet refacing cons (there aren’t many):

  • Refacing won’t fix a bad kitchen design.
  • You might be tempted to spend more on exotic veneer and hardware (saving you less).

What Are Your Refacing Options?

Your choices for the finished look of your cabinets are virtually limitless. Veneers are available in a wide variety of colors, patterns, textures, grains, and more, which you can mix or match to get a relatively low-cost kitchen facelift.

  • Rigid thermofoil (RTF) doors, which feature a durable plastic coating over fiberboard, are an affordable alternative to wood or laminate doors.
  • Plastic laminates come in hundreds of colors and patterns, are durable and moisture-resistant, and are reasonably priced. You can pick matching or contrasting laminates for your doors and drawer fronts.
  • Real wood veneers include many standard species, such as oak, cherry, and maple, and you also can choose from an array of stain colors. Wood veneers are the most expensive option. Wood must be carefully sealed to protect against moisture.

Further customize and update the look of your cabinets with new kitchen cabinet hardware. 

What Does Refacing Cost?

A professional cabinet refacing for a typical 10-foot-by-12-foot kitchen starts at around $1,000 to $3,000 for laminate. Expect to pay $2,500 to $6,000 for real wood veneer. Costs can rise to $7,000 to $9,000 or more for a large project with high-quality wood veneer.

Finishing the project with new hardware (pulls, knobs, hinges) runs $2 to $4 per piece, up to $20 to $50 each for high-end hardware.

In comparison, completely replacing old kitchen cabinets with new cabinets starts at $4,000 to $5,000 and up for stock cabinets; $8,000 to $10,000 for semi-custom cabinets; $16,000 to $20,000 and up for custom-made cabinetry.

How Do I Know If My Cabinets Are Good for Refacing?

Refacing is feasible if your existing cabinet boxes are structurally sound and in good condition. Cabinets with water damage, warping, and broken frames are poor candidates. Particleboard cabinetry sometimes requires fasteners, in addition to adhesives, to ensure that the veneer is secure. 

How Are They Installed?

A professional installer will come to your house to measure your cabinets and determine the amount of veneer required, the correct sizes and quantities for door and drawer fronts, and how much hardware is needed. Newly ordered doors and drawer fronts may take one to two weeks for delivery.

When all the materials are in hand, your installer removes old cabinet door and drawer fronts, and prepares the surface of the cabinet boxes by washing the exteriors with a degreaser and lightly sanding the finish. Any significant flaws in the surface are repaired or filled to ensure a smooth, secure fit for the new veneer.

The installer applies veneer to the cabinet faces and any exposed cabinet ends, then mounts the new doors, drawer fronts, and hardware. The process typically takes two to four days.

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