7 Tips for a Perfect Holiday Home for Not-So-Perfect People

Here’s how to cope with your never-ending to-do list.

Whoa, December.

You have 27 holiday parties to attend, a nine-hour baking marathon, and oh yeah, the kids are out of school and underfoot.

Spending time on your house is just not a priority right now. Instead of aspiring to be Martha Stewart’s protégé, we recommend unabashedly cheating your way through the holiday season. “Martha Stewart has staff,” says professional organizer and organizing coach Melinda Massie. “Stop the psychological torture of comparing yourself to her.”

Here’s how to keep your home respectable with minimal trauma (and maybe even enjoy the season while you’re at it).

1. Embrace the List

Begin the holidays with a brain dump, listing every single itsy-bitsy, annoying task you need to handle between now and New Year’s. Taxes? Dealing with child care? Decorating your front yard? Buying gifts? Cleaning the windows? The Q4 rush back at the (sigh) office?

Then, “go back through the list and remove everything that you don’t have to do,” says Massie.

Prioritize the home-related tasks that actually matter and ditch the ones that go beyond surface  cleaning your guests might notice. Feel free to cackle with glee as you cross off “mop the upstairs bathroom.”

2. Cheat Your Way to a Great-Smelling Home

Great-aunt Tilda’s rosemary roll recipe always makes the house smell lovely — but who has time for all the kneading and rising in December?

There’s an easy way to give your house that just-baked scent: Simmer vanilla, lemon, and thyme in a pot on the stove — no baking needed.

Even better, make your sneaky simmer part of the party. Massie recommends warming something delicious in your Crock-Pot. Try mulled cider, which requires only apple cider, a few spices, and rum or brandy — if you’re feeling daring.

“This will make the whole house smell good while not taking up an extra burner on the stove, and give you something delicious to enjoy,” Massie says.

3. Don’t Sweat Your Kids’ Mess

“Let go of putting every single toy away each night before bed,” says Didi Wong, an integrative wellness and life coach.

“The kids are on vacation, and when they wake up, the fun begins all over again,” she says. So let junior relish in his freedom and scatter his toys across his room or some other designated area. That’s at least one less battle a day, right?

4. Focus on the Obvious When You Clean

OK, that’s stating the obvious. But sometimes you need to give yourself permission for everything to not be perfect.

“Of course you want a clean home, but you don’t need to clean every closet and shelf,” says professional organizer Robyn Reynolds.

Instead, focus on the places your guests will see and use. Clean hand towels in the bathroom along with a sparkling sink and toilet will give the impression your entire home has been deep-cleaned recently — even if there is a bit of dust on your coffee table.

5. Outsource Some Jobs

You might be a die-hard DIYer, but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything.

“Outsource anything you’re not good at or comfortable with,” says Massie. “The investment will be well worth the savings of time and sanity.”

Professional cleaners can do in a few hours what would take you days. And if you really want those lights strung outside, there are people for that, too. So maybe you spend a little less on gifts this year, but more on your family’s ability to enjoy home over the holidays. Totally worth it.

Outsourcing doesn’t always have to have dollars attached. It could be teaming up with friends and family. Maybe a friend of yours who’s got that handyman knack but no baking skills will be willing to string your lights in exchange for some holiday treats you’re making anyway? That’s a win-win.

6. Give Artificial Trees a Chance

It’s time to get over your holiday tree nostalgia. Sure, tromping out to the woods with dad to pick out the perfect fir was a delight, but back then, you weren’t the one who had to keep the thing watered all month and sweep up the fallen needles every night.

Artificial trees come in a variety of natural-looking shapes and sizes. Or go all out with silver, gold, even fluorescent pink! Bonus: When you reuse the same tree year after year, you’re actually doing something nice for the earth (especially if you buy yours secondhand). Miss the evergreen smell? That’s what scented candles are for.

7. Keep It Real

If your big family dinner comes and the ham is on fire and your dog peed in the living room and little Mackenzie won’t stop banging her darn blocks against the window, don’t panic. Wonderful days have been salvaged from worse. Guests only care that you’re together.

“If you approach the event with good intentions, it may not turn out to be exactly what you envisioned, but your family and guests will still thank you and be appreciative of your time and effort in putting together such a wonderfully festive get-together,” says Wong.

It’s time to get over your holiday tree nostalgia. Sure, tromping out to the woods with dad to pick out the perfect fir was a delight, but back then, you weren’t the one who had to keep the thing watered all month and sweep up the fallen needles every night.

Artificial trees come in a variety of natural-looking shapes and sizes. Or go all out with silver, gold, even fluorescent pink! Bonus: When you reuse the same tree year after year, you’re actually doing something nice for the earth (especially if you buy yours secondhand). Miss the evergreen smell? That’s what scented candles are for.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this one by Jamie Wiebe. Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”

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Holiday Décor Tips and Tricks for Sellers

Daily Real Estate News | Thursday, December 08, 2016

Some home sellers use the holidays to showcase the warmth and character of their home to potential buyers. But they need to be careful not to cover up their home’s finest attributes with their festivity.

Read more: Rules for Tasteful Holiday Décor

A recent article at Houzz provides some of the following tips for holiday decorating when your home is for sale:

Watch the size of the decorations. Displaying large multipiece holiday decorations on your fireplace, for example, may cover up this important selling feature. Ask yourself: Does this piece positive showcase the space, light, and charm of the room? Or does its large size distract from it? This includes the Christmas tree. Owners may want to choose a smaller size when they’re selling because larger trees and decorations can make a room appear smaller, notes Houzz columnist Neila Deen.

Don’t block the light. Make sure the holiday décor doesn’t cover up any natural light from windows and doors. Sure, owners love to display their Christmas trees in front of windows so you can see it from the outside. But they need to realize that they could be covering up a picturesque window as well as making a room appear darker. Instead, place the tree far away from the window so that it isn’t blocking any natural light from flowing in.

Coordinate colors. Keep the holiday décor in line with the room’s overall color-coordinated design. If the holiday decorations clash with a current color scheme, don’t use them. Metallics – gold, silver, or copper — are a good way to add holiday décor accents without fears of clashing. White also can be a good choice. Consider swapping out multicolored tree lights with sparkling white lights for a more elegant choice, Deen notes.

Source: “The 7 Do’s of Holiday Decorating When Your Home Is for Sale,” Houzz (Nov. 26, 2016)

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”

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6 Things Everyone Should Do When Moving Into a New House

Skip potential trouble by doing these 6 things

When I bought my first house, my timing couldn’t have been better: The house closing was two weeks before the lease was up on my apartment. That meant I could take my time packing and moving, and I could get to know the new place before moving in.

I recruited family and friends to help me move (in exchange for a beer-and-pizza picnic on the floor) and, as a bonus, I got to pick their brains about what first-time homeowners should know.

Their help was one of the best housewarming presents I could have gotten. And thanks to their expertise and a little Googling, here’s what I learned about what to do before moving in.

  1. Change the Locks

You really don’t know who else has keys to your home, so change the locks. That ensures you’re the only person who has access. Install new deadbolts yourself for as little as $10 per lock, or call a locksmith — if you supply the new locks, they typically charge about $20 to $30 per lock for labor. Complete this must-do safety task after moving into your new home.

2. Check for Plumbing Leaks

Your home inspector should do this for you before closing, but it never hurts to double-check. I didn’t have any plumbing leaks to fix, but when checking my kitchen sink, I did discover the sink sprayer was broken. I replaced it for under $20.

Keep an eye out for dripping faucets and running toilets, and check your water heater for signs of a leak.  Here’s a neat trick: Check your water meter at the beginning and end of a two-hour window in which no water is being used in your house. If the reading is different, you have a leak.

3. Steam Clean Carpets

Do this before you move your furniture in, and your new home life will be off to a fresh start. You can pay a professional carpet cleaning service — you’ll pay about $50 per room; most services require a minimum of about $100 before they’ll come out — or you can rent a steam cleaner for about $30 per day and do the work yourself. I was able to save some money by borrowing a steam cleaner from a friend.

4. Wipe Out Your Cabinets

Another no-brainer before you move in your dishes and bathroom supplies. Make sure to wipe inside and out, preferably with a non-toxic cleaner, and replace contact paper if necessary.

When I cleaned my kitchen cabinets, I found an unpleasant surprise: Mouse poop. Which leads me to my next tip …

5. Give Critters the Heave-Ho

That includes mice, rats, bats, termites, roaches, and any other uninvited guests. There are any number of DIY ways to get rid of pests, but if you need to bring out the big guns, an initial visit from a pest removal service will run you $100 to $300, followed by monthly or quarterly visits at about $50 each time.

For my mousy enemies, I strategically placed poison packets around the kitchen, and I haven’t found any carcasses or any more poop, so the droppings I found must have been old. I might owe a debt of gratitude to the snake that lives under my back deck, but I prefer not to think about him.

6. Introduce Yourself to Your Circuit Breaker Box and Main Water Valve

My first experience with electrical wiring was replacing a broken light fixture in a bathroom. After locating the breaker box, which is in my garage, I turned off the power to that bathroom so I wouldn’t electrocute myself.

It’s a good idea to figure out which fuses control what parts of your house and label them accordingly. This will take two people: One to stand in the room where the power is supposed to go off, the other to trip the fuses and yell, “Did that work? How about now?

You’ll want to know how to turn off your main water valve if you have a plumbing emergency, if a hurricane or tornado is headed your way, or if you’re going out of town. Just locate the valve — it could be inside or outside your house — and turn the knob until it’s off. Test it by turning on any faucet in the house; no water should come out.

By: Courtney Craig, an Atlanta-based writer and editor.

“Visit HouseLogic.com for more articles like this. Reprinted from HouseLogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”



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Kitchen Color Schemes: Avoiding Kitschy Colors

The never-regret kitchen starts with the right hues

The kitchen is the heart of the household, a place where you prepare meals and make memories. So it only makes sense that your kitchen’s color scheme reflects your unique tastes and personality, right? The answer to that is yes — and no.

Although there may be a special hue that gets your heart thumping, there are many reasons why it makes sense to opt for a neutral palette in your kitchen. Many design professionals agree that using shades like white, beige, or gray as the foundation for your kitchen not only open up a spectrum of colorful possibilities, but enhance the value of your home. “Timeless colors are perfect, whether for resale or for your dream home,” says Jackie Jordan, Dallas-based director of color marketing for Sherwin-Williams. “Your kitchen won’t suffer from this-looks-like-it-was-done-in-the-90s comments if you opt for a neutral palette.”  “It’s a space where potential buyers envision themselves spending a lot of time,” agrees Sue Pelley, spokesperson for Decorating Den Interiors in Easton, Md. Thus, although you may believe your purple cabinets are divine, others may think they’re dreadful. And that, she says, can be a real barrier to a sale.

The Versatility of Neutrals

But does going soft and natural mean you have to stifle your inner Van Gogh? Not a chance.

“A neutral kitchen is the perfect canvas to personalize as your tastes change,” says Jordan. “It gives you the opportunity to accessorize with fun rugs, dinnerware — even just a fresh vase of flowers to liven things up.”

“I love being able to change moods with colors, often inspired by the changing seasons,” says Wendy F. Johnson, a certified kitchen and bath designer based in Manchester Village, Vt. “Neutrals can provide the base for a huge range of related or contrasting colors to be used with them, from bright and saturated to peaceful, muted hues.”

Texture also adds enormous impact to a neutral kitchen. A combination of materials from rough to smooth and matte to high gloss creates visual contrast and reflects light differently throughout the day, says Johnson. “For example, you can mix barn wood walls and satin painted drywall, white oak cabinetry with glass insets, lustrous concrete countertops with a stone tile backsplash. These might all be in the same tones, but there is nothing boring here.”

Using Color to Complement Your Kitchen’s Size

Your kitchen’s square footage is another important factor to consider when choosing a color palette. If the space is small, opt for paler hues for cabinets, walls, and countertops. Shades of white, bone, or cream reflect light and help a tiny kitchen feel brighter and more spacious.  Neutrals are also a great choice for kitchens that open up to other rooms, notes Pelley. “If your kitchen is part of a great room design, remember that any new paint will need to work with the color schemes in those rooms, too.”

Non-Permanent Ways to Add Pops of Color

Rather than committing to a single color scheme, a neutral kitchen lets you sample the rainbow. One option is to choose coordinating window treatments and chair cushions to liven up the space, says Johnson. An eye-catching poster, multihued area rug, or a collection of pottery displayed on a shelf all add personality to your kitchen and are easy to change when you’re ready for something new.  Paint is another low-cost way to incorporate a pop or two of color into a neutral room. You can grab a brush and paint your kitchen chairs or counter stools, or add a bright hue to the interior of a glass cabinet. Ready for something bigger? Consider rolling a bold shade on a single wall to create lively contrast in an otherwise single-color space.

Top Neutral Color Schemes

Neutrals may be timeless, but there are some combinations that look especially fresh. “I love warm grays and whites — always have,” says Johnson. “There are so many natural materials available in these tones that mix together beautifully, and all colors look gorgeous against this type of palette.”

Sherwin-Williams’ Jordan also favors white and light grays in a kitchen. “It’s a sleek and modern combination that works perfectly with the ever-popular stainless steel appliances and subway tile.”

When it comes to a big-ticket item like a kitchen, it makes sense to choose a palette that will endure for the long term, says Johnson. “Those of us who thrive in colorful surroundings will groan at this, but even we need some soft, peaceful environments sometimes.”

Visit Houselogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from Houselogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.”


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5 Plants That Fight the Winter Blues

It’s not uncommon to feel a little down this time of year. The combination of frigid temperatures in much of the country, nasty winter weather, and a lack of sunlight causes many to experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

To combat the winter blues, research suggests that bringing plants into the home can not only reduce stress, they can also improve a home’s air quality, brighten up the living space, and even help with pain management. A recent article in Houselogic also points out that taking care of plants can also improve the overall quality of life.

What is it about plants that makes people happier? The concept of biophilia suggests that people have a subconscious bond with nature, and bringing nature indoors can provide positive feelings and stress relief.

Plants can also improve a space’s overall air quality. “According to research done by NASA back in the late 1980s, certain plants will even filter harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia from the air,” Houselogic points out.

The best plants to improve a home’s air quality:

  1. Boston Fern
  2. English Ivy
  3. Spider Plant
  4. Bamboo Palm
  5. Weeping Fig
  6. Flamingo Lily
  7. Peace Lily
  8. Cornstalk Dracaena.

The best plants to combat winter sadness:

  1. Anthuriums.
  2. Ferns, particularly the Kimberly Queen (Nephrolepis obliterata) and Boston (Nephrolepis exaltata) varieties.
  3. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema modestum).
  4. Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum).
  5. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Sword Plant, or Snake Plant (Sansevieria).

Source: “Sick of Winter? These Houseplants Will Perk Up Your Mood (Yes, Really),” Houselogic.

Visit Houselogic.com for more articles like this.  Reprinted from Houselogic.com with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®

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These Plants Can Improve a Home’s Air Quality

A study 30 years ago by NASA revealed that certain houseplants can help clean the air inside space stations, and studies since then have confirmed they may be able to do that for a home or office too. Further, studies have linked certain houseplants to an increase in productivity, calmness, creativity, and even a better night’s sleep.

NASA recommends placing up to 18 plants in an 1,800 square foot house to help purify the air.

The best plants to purify the air around you? Studies highlight these:

  • Philodendron
  • Aloe
  • Snake plant
  • Peace lily
  • English Ivy
  • Spider plant
  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Dragon tree
  • Bamboo

Source: “NASA’s Top Houseplants for Improving Your Wellbeing and Removing Air Pollution,” inhabitat.com (Nov. 15, 2016)

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”


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Are Garageless Homes the Future?

Daily Real Estate News | Monday, November 21, 2016

Self-autonomous vehicles are expected to be available commercially within the next five years, and by 2030, driverless cars could make up as much as 60 percent of U.S. auto sales, according to estimates from Goldman Sachs.

But how could these driverless cars impact the look of homes and communities? Homebuilders are already considering the impact.

For example, KB Home and KTGY Architecture unveiled the KB Home ProjeKt this year at the Greenbuild Conference, which featured a home without a garage.

“One of the biggest challenges will be to convince suburban municipalities that not all homes/home buyers will want or need a garage, or at least won’t need two spaces,” Gregg Nelson, co-founder of Trumark Homes, based in Newport Beach, Calif., told BUILDER. “The other challenge will be whether home buyers are willing to accept not having a garage, not only for their own use, but as a resale value question. Who will be those first buyers/early adopters? Who will take the first step of building a home without a garage?”

Another change – and challenge – will be faced with a community’s roads and the transition to more driverless vehicles. How can self-driving cars and traditional cars coexist? Nelson speculates that the carpool lanes of today may become the autonomous vehicle lanes of the future.

Five to 10 years from now, Nelson also foresees less need for internal roadways due to greater reliance on driverless cars. That could spawn greater walkable, open spaces in its place.

“We should see a reduction in land area dedicated to parking,” Nelson says. “Studies show that roughly a third of urban real estate is devoted to parking garages, and that there are eight parking spaces for every car operating in the U.S. As time goes by, this ‘wasted’ space will be re-utilized in a way to enhance the environments of our communities.”

Source: “Autonomous Cars Will Reshape Residential Communities,” BUILDER (Nov. 17, 2016)

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”

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Why Veterans Make Some of the Best Clients

Daily Real Estate News | Friday, November 11, 2016

There are 18.8 million veterans and veteran families in the U.S. That’s a huge pool of potential buyers and sellers.

Traditionally, the home ownership rate for veterans of the U.S. military has outpaced non-veterans. In 2006, the ownership rate for veterans was 79.5 percent, which is 12.3 percentage points higher than that of non-veterans, according to data provided by the National Association of REALTORS®.

In 2015, veterans and active-service members comprised 21 percent of all home buyers. Veterans move a median of 75 miles from the home they previously sold to their new home purchased. Active-duty military most often purchase a home due to a job relocation.

They turn to real estate professionals for guidance as they move to new locales.  Veterans and active-service military got their information from real estate professionals more than any other source, according to the 2016 Veterans and Active-Military Home Buyers and Sellers Profile. The report, released by NAR, shows that 85 percent of veterans and 86 percent of active-service military purchased their home through a real estate agent.

Real estate professionals are gaining extra training in how to best reach this expansive buyer and seller segment. NAR offers members the Military Relocation Professional certification, for example. It’s a one-day certification program that shows how real estate professionals can reach out to this niche and how to help vets take advantage of military benefits in their home purchases.

By Melissa Dittmann Tracey, REALTOR® Magazine

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”

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Resale Issues Buyers Don’t Think About

 November 2016 | By Mary McIntosh

 In 2002, when I first got my real estate license, I took a class at my brokerage about how to show properties. Seems silly, right? How hard is it to unlock the door? But this class was about practical ways to make sure the buyer focuses on the most important factors of a home. I still follow some of the tips from this class today. One of them was to advocate caution to a buyer considering a house with an “adverse situation.”

What’s that? It’s a condition that will affect the resale of the property. I remember the instructor saying, “When my past clients call me up and ask me to sell the house I helped them buy, I don’t want to then explain to them the fact that they back to a major road will affect their value.” That hit me. No, it’s not the agent’s job to choose the home for the buyer, but they do deserve to know that if they purchase a home with an unchangeable adverse situation, it will always sell for less than similar homes and may stay on the market longer.

Selling is stressful no matter what the market is like, but in a flat or down market, it is 100 times worse. So since we can’t predict the future, I prefer to talk to buyers up front about adverse situations — deal killers, I call them — so they know what they’re getting into. And what might those deal killers be? These are the six I run into most often in my business. If you’ve dealt with others, leave a comment at the bottom of the article.

  1. Power lines: I hadn’t considered this one a deal killer until one of my first buyers backed out of a sale contract because she feared the power lines behind the home would give her cancer. Then I learned just how popular this myth is, as buyer after buyer has brought up a similar concern ever since. Just like fears about cell phone radiation, people have come to worry that the low-level radiation from high-voltage power lines will make them sick — even though governmental studies have not found such a link. But perception is everything in the pursuit of a sale. Many people also find power lines aesthetically displeasing, so you may want to warn your buyers of the trouble they could face at resale.
  2. New subdivisions: Brand-new homes are a big draw for many buyers, but if your clients are looking in a subdivision that will be under construction for years to come, you may want to advise them that resale could be difficult for the foreseeable future. They’ll be competing with brand-new construction for however long developers are building in the area, and that will make their lives difficult for many reasons. Beyond the appeal of new homes, builders also have deep pockets and can offer many incentives to buyers that traditional sellers can’t. Don’t set your clients up to compete with that if they might want to relocate in five years.
  3. Neighboring a business: I once had a neighbor whose home backed up to the rear of a grocery store. Guess when grocery stores get their deliveries? All night long. Those delivery people didn’t care who was sleeping at 4 a.m. or whether they were being too loud for the new mom next door with a baby she was trying to put to sleep. Now, not every business is going to be this disruptive all night long, but just let your buyers know that if their neighbors aren’t home owners just like them, they may have issues to deal with.
  4. Environmental concerns: In my area in Arizona, the west-facing backyard is an immediate deal killer. During summer sunsets — a time of day when many people are home — the back of the house heats up even hotter than it usually is around this neck of the woods. Not an enjoyable experience when you’re trying to relax after a long day. It also makes barbecuing on the back patio unbearable. Your location may have different adverse situations depending on the environment in your state. In Washington, where my brother sells, he tries to avoid homes in forested areas that might be in danger of burning down.
  5. Subtle noises: When buyers tour homes, they’re listening for noise from nearby airports, train tracks, or highways and major roads. They’re probably a little more oblivious to the barking dog next door or the neighbor with parrots and a full aviary in their yard — or a chicken coop. Sometimes these noises are only passing aggravations and aren’t permanent, but you should tell your clients that if they hear it now, they’ll probably hear it in the future. And that can affect the next buyer’s opinion when they’re ready to sell.
  6. Peculiar ideas of privacy: Speaking of noise, highways and major roads are an obvious problem at resale, but some buyers prefer backing to a busy road rather than another home for privacy reasons. If your client is one of these people, you should tell them they’re a rare breed. For most people, the privacy benefit won’t outweigh the disturbance of the noise. Make sure your buyers understand the tradeoff they’re buying into.

With all that said, you’ll have buyers who won’t mind any of these adverse situations. My home, for example, is in the flight path of a small nearby airport. It occasionally sounds like these planes are landing on my house. Why would I buy such a home knowing how it will affect my resale? It was an awesome deal — and I mean awesome. I was lucky enough to find it right at the bottom of Arizona’s market in 2011. I knew what I was buying, and I know what I will face when I sell. For me, the value was there. So while you should keep your buyers informed of the challenges homes might pose at resale, at the end of the day, you always follow their lead.

“Copyright National Association of REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.”

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