Removing spiders from your home once they’ve invaded your space can be quite tricky, but here are some expert-approved tips that can prevent spiders from invading in the first place.
Seeing any spiders or insects inside your home can be terrifying at times, but keep in mind that normally the only time you will see them is when they are seeking refuge. Spiders and insects are constantly seeking food, water, or shelter. Sometimes, spiders specifically, can be helpful because they like to eat flies, ants, fleas, and mosquitoes, but the more food they find the more they can reproduce! Overall, it is better to rid your home of spiders and other insects as soon as you notice them. Heed these expert-approved tips right ahead!
No Point Of Entry
In order to keep spiders and other insects to a minimum, you need to find their point of entry. Small cracks, vents, screens with holes and other tiny openings are all places that insects and spiders can come through. You will want to do a thorough search from floor to ceiling of your home and close off or repair all of the possible places you find. Using a magnifying glass and flashlight is extremely helpful in this instance. Once you find an opening, use caulking, screening, or weather stripping to close off specific areas.
Tidy Up
As much of you know already, the cleaner the space is, the less maintenance you will need to do. Pest prevention includes, vacuuming often, cleaning corners/crevices, wiping cabinets and under counters, checking vents, and making sure your garbage/recycling is clear of webs. Doing these things will help prevent infestations and spiders from getting out of control. You will want to make sure you check and clean exterior areas as well such as exterior lights, windowsills, woodpiles, and all other entry points.

Spider Webs Not Welcome
Washing off spider webs off the exterior of the home will be significantly helpful too. Make sure to check under roof eaves, mailboxes, fence lines, and on the siding. You can create a mixture of half cup water, half cup vinegar, two tablespoons of dish soap and twenty drops of thyme oil. It will make the siding and roof harder for spiders to attach their silk and make new webs.
No Leaks Allowed
No one ever wants a leak in their house, but if it does happen, it can prompt spiders to enter the space. Water dripping from the ceiling and even a leaky faucet can attract spiders, so make sure to fully dry the wet area and repair any leaks as soon as possible.
Tend to Your Landscaping
Depending on the type of landscaping and the current state of your lawn, overgrown foliage and grass can lure unwanted pests and spiders to that area. Continuously trimming and cutting foliage or your lawn can really help in keeping spiders away. Make sure to keep plants and trees away from your siding and entryways to your home, so that more distance can be between you and the critters.
Play Tunes
Even though spiders have multiple eyes, their eyesight is actually very poor. Spiders have to rely on vibrations they feel around them and, in their web, to know what is happening. Movement on their web is a sign to them that their next meal is stuck and ready for them to pounce. Surprisingly, playing loud music is a huge deterrent to spiders. The vibrations from the tunes and the bass confuse the spider and they will move to a quieter area with less vibrations.
Let There Be Light
If there is an interior space that you think spiders are lurking, hit the lights! Spiders and most insects avoid bright spaces and are more inclined to find somewhere dark. Put lights in areas that are consistently dark and yellow lightbulbs are superior to standard light bulbs in this case.
Exterminate Safely
You have the ability to exterminate spiders yourself by using over the counter bug sprays such as, Hot Shot or Earth’s Kind Stay Away Spider deterrent. You can spray infessted areas and it should help for up to 30 days. In some cases, however, you will need the aid of a pest control professional. Pest control professionals have licenses that give them the ability to purchase more potent, effective deterrents. Make sure that the professional is insured and using an integrated pest management plan that includes getting rid of any infestations and are preventative.
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